FX::FXText Class Reference

#include <FXText.h>

Inheritance diagram for FX::FXText:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The text widget supports editing of multiple lines of text. An optional style table can provide text coloring based on the contents of an optional parallel style buffer, which is maintained as text is edited. In a typical scenario, the contents of the style buffer is either directly written when the text is added to the widget, or is continually modified by editing the text via syntax-based highlighting engine which colors the text based on syntactical patterns.

Public Types

enum  {
enum  {

Public Member Functions

long onPaint (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onFocusIn (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onFocusOut (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onLeftBtnPress (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onLeftBtnRelease (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onMiddleBtnPress (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onMiddleBtnRelease (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onRightBtnPress (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onRightBtnRelease (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUngrabbed (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onMotion (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onBeginDrag (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onEndDrag (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onDragged (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onDNDEnter (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onDNDLeave (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onDNDMotion (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onDNDDrop (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onDNDRequest (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onSelectionLost (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onSelectionGained (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onSelectionRequest (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *ptr)
long onClipboardLost (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onClipboardGained (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onClipboardRequest (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onKeyPress (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onKeyRelease (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onBlink (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onFlash (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onAutoScroll (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onQueryHelp (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onQueryTip (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdToggleEditable (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUpdToggleEditable (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdToggleOverstrike (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUpdToggleOverstrike (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorRow (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUpdCursorRow (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorColumn (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUpdCursorColumn (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUpdHaveSelection (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUpdSelectAll (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdSetStringValue (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdGetStringValue (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdSearch (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdReplace (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdSearchNext (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdSearchSel (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorTop (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorBottom (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorHome (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorEnd (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorRight (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorLeft (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorUp (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorDown (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorWordLeft (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorWordRight (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorWordStart (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorWordEnd (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorPageDown (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorPageUp (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorScreenTop (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorScreenBottom (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorScreenCenter (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorParHome (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCursorParEnd (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdBlockBeg (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdBlockEnd (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdGotoMatching (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdGotoSelected (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdGotoLine (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdScrollUp (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdScrollDown (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdMark (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdExtend (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdOverstString (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdInsertString (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdInsertNewline (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdInsertTab (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCutSel (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCopySel (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdPasteSel (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdDeleteSel (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdChangeCase (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdShiftText (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdPasteMiddle (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdSelectChar (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdSelectWord (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdSelectLine (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdSelectAll (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdSelectMatching (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdSelectBlock (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdDeselectAll (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdBackspace (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdBackspaceWord (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdBackspaceBol (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdDelete (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdDeleteWord (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdDeleteEol (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdDeleteAll (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdDeleteLine (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 FXText (FXComposite *p, FXObject *tgt=NULL, FXSelector sel=0, FXuint opts=0, FXint x=0, FXint y=0, FXint w=0, FXint h=0, FXint pl=3, FXint pr=3, FXint pt=2, FXint pb=2)
virtual void create ()
virtual void detach ()
virtual void layout ()
virtual FXint getDefaultWidth ()
virtual FXint getDefaultHeight ()
virtual void enable ()
virtual void disable ()
virtual void recalc ()
virtual FXint getContentWidth ()
virtual FXint getContentHeight ()
virtual bool canFocus () const
virtual void setFocus ()
virtual void killFocus ()
void setMarginTop (FXint pt)
FXint getMarginTop () const
void setMarginBottom (FXint pb)
FXint getMarginBottom () const
void setMarginLeft (FXint pl)
FXint getMarginLeft () const
void setMarginRight (FXint pr)
FXint getMarginRight () const
FXint getWrapColumns () const
void setWrapColumns (FXint cols)
FXint getTabColumns () const
void setTabColumns (FXint cols)
FXint getBarColumns () const
void setBarColumns (FXint cols)
FXbool isModified () const
void setModified (FXbool mod=TRUE)
void setEditable (FXbool edit=TRUE)
FXbool isEditable () const
void setOverstrike (FXbool over=TRUE)
FXbool isOverstrike () const
void setStyled (FXbool styled=TRUE)
FXbool isStyled () const
void setDelimiters (const FXchar *delims=textDelimiters)
const FXchar * getDelimiters () const
void setFont (FXFont *fnt)
FXFontgetFont () const
void setTextColor (FXColor clr)
FXColor getTextColor () const
void setSelBackColor (FXColor clr)
FXColor getSelBackColor () const
void setSelTextColor (FXColor clr)
FXColor getSelTextColor () const
void setHiliteTextColor (FXColor clr)
FXColor getHiliteTextColor () const
void setHiliteBackColor (FXColor clr)
FXColor getHiliteBackColor () const
void setActiveBackColor (FXColor clr)
FXColor getActiveBackColor () const
void setCursorColor (FXColor clr)
FXColor getCursorColor () const
void setNumberColor (FXColor clr)
FXColor getNumberColor () const
void setBarColor (FXColor clr)
FXColor getBarColor () const
void setHelpText (const FXString &text)
FXString getHelpText () const
void setTipText (const FXString &text)
FXString getTipText () const
FXint getByte (FXint pos) const
FXwchar getChar (FXint pos) const
FXint getCharLen (FXint pos) const
FXint getStyle (FXint pos) const
void extractText (FXchar *text, FXint pos, FXint n) const
void extractText (FXString &text, FXint pos, FXint n) const
void extractStyle (FXString &text, FXint pos, FXint n) const
void extractStyle (FXchar *style, FXint pos, FXint n) const
virtual void replaceText (FXint pos, FXint m, const FXchar *text, FXint n, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void replaceText (FXint pos, FXint m, const FXString &text, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void replaceStyledText (FXint pos, FXint m, const FXchar *text, FXint n, FXint style=0, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void replaceStyledText (FXint pos, FXint m, const FXString &text, FXint style=0, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void appendText (const FXchar *text, FXint n, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void appendText (const FXString &text, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void appendStyledText (const FXchar *text, FXint n, FXint style=0, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void appendStyledText (const FXString &text, FXint style=0, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void insertText (FXint pos, const FXchar *text, FXint n, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void insertText (FXint pos, const FXString &text, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void insertStyledText (FXint pos, const FXchar *text, FXint n, FXint style=0, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void insertStyledText (FXint pos, const FXString &text, FXint style=0, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void removeText (FXint pos, FXint n, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void changeStyle (FXint pos, FXint n, FXint style)
virtual void changeStyle (FXint pos, const FXchar *style, FXint n)
virtual void changeStyle (FXint pos, const FXString &style)
virtual void setText (const FXchar *text, FXint n, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void setText (const FXString &text, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void setStyledText (const FXchar *text, FXint n, FXint style=0, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual void setStyledText (const FXString &text, FXint style=0, FXbool notify=FALSE)
void getText (FXchar *text, FXint n) const
void getText (FXString &text) const
FXString getText () const
FXint getLength () const
FXint getNumRows () const
FXint shiftText (FXint start, FXint end, FXint amount, FXbool notify=FALSE)
FXbool findText (const FXString &string, FXint *beg=NULL, FXint *end=NULL, FXint start=0, FXuint flags=SEARCH_FORWARD|SEARCH_WRAP|SEARCH_EXACT, FXint npar=1)
FXbool isPosSelected (FXint pos) const
FXbool isPosVisible (FXint pos) const
FXint getPosAt (FXint x, FXint y) const
FXint countRows (FXint start, FXint end) const
FXint countCols (FXint start, FXint end) const
FXint countLines (FXint start, FXint end) const
FXint lineStart (FXint pos) const
FXint lineEnd (FXint pos) const
FXint nextLine (FXint pos, FXint nl=1) const
FXint prevLine (FXint pos, FXint nl=1) const
FXint rowStart (FXint pos) const
FXint rowEnd (FXint pos) const
FXint nextRow (FXint pos, FXint nr=1) const
FXint prevRow (FXint pos, FXint nr=1) const
FXint leftWord (FXint pos) const
FXint rightWord (FXint pos) const
FXint wordStart (FXint pos) const
FXint wordEnd (FXint pos) const
FXint validPos (FXint pos) const
FXint dec (FXint pos) const
FXint inc (FXint pos) const
void setTopLine (FXint pos)
FXint getTopLine () const
void setBottomLine (FXint pos)
FXint getBottomLine () const
void setCenterLine (FXint pos)
void setAnchorPos (FXint pos)
FXint getAnchorPos () const
virtual void setCursorPos (FXint pos, FXbool notify=FALSE)
void setCursorRow (FXint row, FXbool notify=FALSE)
FXint getCursorRow () const
void setCursorColumn (FXint col, FXbool notify=FALSE)
FXint getCursorColumn () const
FXint getCursorPos () const
FXint getSelStartPos () const
FXint getSelEndPos () const
FXbool selectAll (FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual FXbool extendSelection (FXint pos, FXTextSelectionMode select=SELECT_CHARS, FXbool notify=FALSE)
FXbool setSelection (FXint pos, FXint len, FXbool notify=FALSE)
virtual FXbool killSelection (FXbool notify=FALSE)
FXbool setHighlight (FXint start, FXint len)
FXbool killHighlight ()
void makePositionVisible (FXint pos)
void setTextStyle (FXuint style)
FXuint getTextStyle () const
void setVisibleRows (FXint rows)
FXint getVisibleRows () const
void setAutoVisibleRows (FXint rows)
FXint getAutoVisibleRows () const
void setVisibleColumns (FXint cols)
FXint getVisibleColumns () const
void setHiliteMatchTime (FXuint t)
FXuint getHiliteMatchTime () const
void setHiliteStyles (const FXHiliteStyle *styles)
const FXHiliteStylegetHiliteStyles () const
virtual void save (FXStream &store) const
virtual void load (FXStream &store)
virtual ~FXText ()
long onHMouseWheel (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onVMouseWheel (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onHScrollerChanged (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onVScrollerChanged (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onHScrollerDragged (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onVScrollerDragged (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
virtual FXint getViewportHeight ()
virtual FXint getViewportWidth ()
void setScrollStyle (FXuint style)
FXuint getScrollStyle () const
FXbool isHorizontalScrollable () const
FXbool isVerticalScrollable () const
FXScrollBarhorizontalScrollBar () const
FXScrollBarverticalScrollBar () const
FXint getXPosition () const
FXint getYPosition () const
void setPosition (FXint x, FXint y)
void getPosition (FXint &x, FXint &y) const
long onFocusNext (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onFocusPrev (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdUpdate (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
virtual void destroy ()
FXint maxChildWidth () const
FXint maxChildHeight () const
virtual bool isComposite () const
long onMap (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUnmap (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onConfigure (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUpdate (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onMouseWheel (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onEnter (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onLeave (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onDestroy (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onFocusSelf (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdShow (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdHide (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUpdToggleShown (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdToggleShown (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdRaise (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdLower (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdEnable (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdDisable (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUpdToggleEnabled (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdToggleEnabled (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUpdYes (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
FXWindowgetParent () const
FXWindowgetOwner () const
FXWindowgetShell () const
FXWindowgetRoot () const
FXWindowgetNext () const
FXWindowgetPrev () const
FXWindowgetFirst () const
FXWindowgetLast () const
FXWindowgetFocus () const
void setKey (FXuint k)
FXuint getKey () const
void setTarget (FXObject *t)
FXObjectgetTarget () const
void setSelector (FXSelector sel)
FXSelector getSelector () const
FXint getX () const
FXint getY () const
virtual FXint getWidthForHeight (FXint givenheight)
virtual FXint getHeightForWidth (FXint givenwidth)
void setX (FXint x)
void setY (FXint y)
void setWidth (FXint w)
void setHeight (FXint h)
void setLayoutHints (FXuint lout)
FXuint getLayoutHints () const
FXAccelTablegetAccelTable () const
void setAccelTable (FXAccelTable *acceltable)
void addHotKey (FXHotKey code)
void remHotKey (FXHotKey code)
void setHelpTag (const FXString &text)
const FXStringgetHelpTag () const
bool isShell () const
bool isPopup () const
bool isOwnerOf (const FXWindow *window) const
bool isChildOf (const FXWindow *window) const
bool containsChild (const FXWindow *child) const
FXWindowgetChildAt (FXint x, FXint y) const
FXint numChildren () const
FXint indexOfChild (const FXWindow *window) const
FXWindowchildAtIndex (FXint index) const
FXComposeContextgetComposeContext () const
void createComposeContext ()
void destroyComposeContext ()
void setDefaultCursor (FXCursor *cur)
FXCursorgetDefaultCursor () const
void setSavedCursor (FXCursor *cur)
FXCursorgetSavedCursor () const
void setDragCursor (FXCursor *cur)
FXCursorgetDragCursor () const
FXint getCursorPosition (FXint &x, FXint &y, FXuint &buttons) const
FXint setCursorPosition (FXint x, FXint y)
bool isEnabled () const
bool isActive () const
bool hasFocus () const
bool inFocusChain () const
virtual void changeFocus (FXWindow *child)
virtual void setDefault (FXbool enable=TRUE)
bool isDefault () const
void setInitial (bool enable=true)
bool isInitial () const
virtual void attach (FXID w)
virtual void setShape (const FXRegion &region)
virtual void setShape (FXBitmap *bitmap)
virtual void setShape (FXIcon *icon)
virtual void clearShape ()
virtual void raise ()
virtual void lower ()
virtual void move (FXint x, FXint y)
virtual void resize (FXint w, FXint h)
virtual void position (FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
void forceRefresh ()
virtual void reparent (FXWindow *father, FXWindow *other=NULL)
void scroll (FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h, FXint dx, FXint dy) const
void update (FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h) const
void update () const
void repaint (FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h) const
void repaint () const
void grab ()
void ungrab ()
bool grabbed () const
void grabKeyboard ()
void ungrabKeyboard ()
bool grabbedKeyboard () const
virtual void show ()
virtual void hide ()
bool shown () const
bool underCursor () const
bool hasSelection () const
bool acquireSelection (const FXDragType *types, FXuint numtypes)
bool releaseSelection ()
bool hasClipboard () const
bool acquireClipboard (const FXDragType *types, FXuint numtypes)
bool releaseClipboard ()
virtual void dropEnable ()
virtual void dropDisable ()
bool isDropEnabled () const
bool isDragging () const
bool beginDrag (const FXDragType *types, FXuint numtypes)
bool handleDrag (FXint x, FXint y, FXDragAction action=DRAG_COPY)
FXDragAction endDrag (bool drop=true)
bool isDropTarget () const
void setDragRectangle (FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h, bool wantupdates=true) const
void clearDragRectangle () const
void acceptDrop (FXDragAction action=DRAG_ACCEPT) const
FXDragAction didAccept () const
void dropFinished (FXDragAction action=DRAG_REJECT) const
bool inquireDNDTypes (FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType *&types, FXuint &numtypes) const
bool offeredDNDType (FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type) const
FXDragAction inquireDNDAction () const
bool setDNDData (FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type, FXuchar *data, FXuint size) const
bool setDNDData (FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type, const FXString &string) const
bool getDNDData (FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type, FXuchar *&data, FXuint &size) const
bool getDNDData (FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type, FXString &string) const
virtual bool contains (FXint parentx, FXint parenty) const
void translateCoordinatesFrom (FXint &tox, FXint &toy, const FXWindow *fromwindow, FXint fromx, FXint fromy) const
void translateCoordinatesTo (FXint &tox, FXint &toy, const FXWindow *towindow, FXint fromx, FXint fromy) const
virtual void setBackColor (FXColor clr)
FXColor getBackColor () const
virtual bool doesSaveUnder () const
FXint getWidth () const
FXint getHeight () const
FXVisualgetVisual () const
void setVisual (FXVisual *vis)
FXAppgetApp () const
FXEventLoopgetEventLoop () const
FXID id () const
void setUserData (void *ptr)
void * getUserData () const
virtual long onDefault (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
const FXchar * getClassName () const
bool isMemberOf (const FXMetaClass *metaclass) const
virtual long tryHandle (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
QTransString tr (const char *text, const char *hint=0)
virtual void * getPythonObject () const
virtual void decouplePythonObject () const

Static Public Member Functions

static FXuint userHandednessLayout ()
static FXuint defaultPadding ()
static FXuint defaultSpacing ()
static FXuint scaleLayoutValue (FXuint value)
static FXWindowcommonAncestor (FXWindow *a, FXWindow *b)
static bool before (const FXWindow *a, const FXWindow *b)
static bool after (const FXWindow *a, const FXWindow *b)

Static Public Attributes

static const FXchar * textDelimiters
static FXDragType octetType
static FXDragType deleteType
static FXDragType textType
static FXDragType utf8Type
static FXDragType utf16Type
static FXDragType colorType
static FXDragType urilistType
static const FXDragType stringType
static const FXDragType imageType
static const FXchar * octetTypeName
static const FXchar * deleteTypeName
static const FXchar * textTypeName
static const FXchar * colorTypeName
static const FXchar * urilistTypeName
static const FXchar * utf8TypeName
static const FXchar * utf16TypeName

Protected Types

enum  {
enum  {
enum  {

Protected Member Functions

void calcVisRows (FXint s, FXint e)
virtual void eraseCursorOverhang ()
virtual void drawCursor (FXuint state)
virtual FXuint style (FXint row, FXint beg, FXint end, FXint pos) const
virtual void drawBufferText (FXDCWindow &dc, FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h, FXint pos, FXint n, FXuint style) const
virtual void fillBufferRect (FXDCWindow &dc, FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h, FXuint style) const
virtual void drawTextRow (FXDCWindow &dc, FXint line, FXint left, FXint right) const
virtual void drawContents (FXDCWindow &dc, FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h) const
virtual void drawNumbers (FXDCWindow &dc, FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h) const
FXint posToLine (FXint pos, FXint ln) const
FXbool posVisible (FXint pos) const
void updateRange (FXint beg, FXint end) const
void movegap (FXint pos)
void sizegap (FXint sz)
void squeezegap ()
FXint charWidth (FXwchar ch, FXint indent) const
FXint wrap (FXint start) const
FXint measureText (FXint start, FXint end, FXint &wmax, FXint &hmax) const
FXint lineWidth (FXint pos, FXint n) const
FXint getYOfPos (FXint pos) const
FXint getXOfPos (FXint pos) const
FXint changeBeg (FXint pos) const
FXint changeEnd (FXint pos) const
FXint indentFromPos (FXint start, FXint pos) const
FXint posFromIndent (FXint start, FXint indent) const
void mutation (FXint pos, FXint ncins, FXint ncdel, FXint nrins, FXint nrdel)
virtual void replace (FXint pos, FXint m, const FXchar *text, FXint n, FXint style)
void recompute ()
FXint matchForward (FXint pos, FXint end, FXwchar l, FXwchar r, FXint level) const
FXint matchBackward (FXint pos, FXint beg, FXwchar l, FXwchar r, FXint level) const
FXint findMatching (FXint pos, FXint beg, FXint end, FXwchar ch, FXint level) const
void flashMatching ()
void moveContents (FXint x, FXint y)
FXbool startAutoScroll (FXEvent *event, FXbool onlywheninside=FALSE)
void stopAutoScroll ()
virtual bool doesOverrideRedirect () const
void addColormapWindows ()
void remColormapWindows ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static FXWindowfindDefault (FXWindow *window)
static FXWindowfindInitial (FXWindow *window)

Protected Attributes

FXchar * buffer
FXchar * sbuffer
FXint * visrows
FXint length
FXint nvisrows
FXint nrows
FXint gapstart
FXint gapend
FXint toppos
FXint keeppos
FXint toprow
FXint selstartpos
FXint selendpos
FXint hilitestartpos
FXint hiliteendpos
FXint anchorpos
FXint cursorpos
FXint revertpos
FXint cursorstart
FXint cursorend
FXint cursorrow
FXint cursorcol
FXint prefcol
FXint margintop
FXint marginbottom
FXint marginleft
FXint marginright
FXint wrapwidth
FXint wrapcolumns
FXint tabwidth
FXint tabcolumns
FXint barwidth
FXint barcolumns
FXColor textColor
FXColor selbackColor
FXColor seltextColor
FXColor hilitebackColor
FXColor hilitetextColor
FXColor activebackColor
FXColor numberColor
FXColor cursorColor
FXColor barColor
FXint textWidth
FXint textHeight
FXString searchstring
FXuint searchflags
const FXchar * delimiters
FXString clipped
FXint vrows
FXint autovrows
FXint vcols
FXString help
FXString tip
const FXHiliteStylehilitestyles
FXuint matchtime
FXint grabx
FXint graby
FXuchar mode
FXbool modified
FXint viewport_w
FXint viewport_h
FXint pos_x
FXint pos_y
FXSelector message
FXint xpos
FXint ypos
FXColor backColor
FXString tag
FXuint flags
FXuint options
FXint width
FXint height
FXID xid

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

STYLE_STRIKEOUT  Underline text.
STYLE_BOLD  Strike out text.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FX::FXText::FXText ( FXComposite p,
FXObject tgt = NULL,
FXSelector  sel = 0,
FXuint  opts = 0,
FXint  x = 0,
FXint  y = 0,
FXint  w = 0,
FXint  h = 0,
FXint  pl = 3,
FXint  pr = 3,
FXint  pt = 2,
FXint  pb = 2 

Construct multi-line text widget.

virtual FX::FXText::~FXText (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual void FX::FXText::create (  )  [virtual]

Create server-side resources.

Reimplemented from FX::FXComposite.

virtual void FX::FXText::detach (  )  [virtual]

Detach server-side resources.

Reimplemented from FX::FXComposite.

virtual void FX::FXText::layout (  )  [virtual]

Perform layout.

Reimplemented from FX::FXScrollArea.

virtual FXint FX::FXText::getDefaultWidth (  )  [virtual]

Return default width.

Reimplemented from FX::FXScrollArea.

virtual FXint FX::FXText::getDefaultHeight (  )  [virtual]

Return default height.

Reimplemented from FX::FXScrollArea.

virtual void FX::FXText::enable (  )  [virtual]

Enable the text widget.

Reimplemented from FX::FXWindow.

virtual void FX::FXText::disable (  )  [virtual]

Disable the text widget.

Reimplemented from FX::FXWindow.

virtual void FX::FXText::recalc (  )  [virtual]

Need to recalculate size.

Reimplemented from FX::FXWindow.

virtual FXint FX::FXText::getContentWidth (  )  [virtual]

Get default width.

Reimplemented from FX::FXScrollArea.

virtual FXint FX::FXText::getContentHeight (  )  [virtual]

Get default height.

Reimplemented from FX::FXScrollArea.

virtual bool FX::FXText::canFocus (  )  const [virtual]

Returns true because a text widget can receive focus.

Reimplemented from FX::FXWindow.

virtual void FX::FXText::setFocus (  )  [virtual]

Move the focus to this window.

Reimplemented from FX::FXWindow.

virtual void FX::FXText::killFocus (  )  [virtual]

Remove the focus from this window.

Reimplemented from FX::FXWindow.

void FX::FXText::setMarginTop ( FXint  pt  ) 

Change top margin.

FXint FX::FXText::getMarginTop (  )  const [inline]

Return top margin.

void FX::FXText::setMarginBottom ( FXint  pb  ) 

Change bottom margin.

FXint FX::FXText::getMarginBottom (  )  const [inline]

Return bottom margin.

void FX::FXText::setMarginLeft ( FXint  pl  ) 

Change left margin.

FXint FX::FXText::getMarginLeft (  )  const [inline]

Return left margin.

void FX::FXText::setMarginRight ( FXint  pr  ) 

Change right margin.

FXint FX::FXText::getMarginRight (  )  const [inline]

Return right margin.

FXint FX::FXText::getWrapColumns (  )  const [inline]

Return wrap columns.

void FX::FXText::setWrapColumns ( FXint  cols  ) 

Set wrap columns.

FXint FX::FXText::getTabColumns (  )  const [inline]

Return tab columns.

void FX::FXText::setTabColumns ( FXint  cols  ) 

Change tab columns.

FXint FX::FXText::getBarColumns (  )  const [inline]

Return number of columns used for line numbers.

void FX::FXText::setBarColumns ( FXint  cols  ) 

Change number of columns used for line numbers.

FXbool FX::FXText::isModified (  )  const [inline]

Return TRUE if text was modified.

void FX::FXText::setModified ( FXbool  mod = TRUE  )  [inline]

Set modified flag.

void FX::FXText::setEditable ( FXbool  edit = TRUE  ) 

Set editable mode.

FXbool FX::FXText::isEditable (  )  const

Return TRUE if text is editable.

void FX::FXText::setOverstrike ( FXbool  over = TRUE  ) 

Set overstrike mode.

FXbool FX::FXText::isOverstrike (  )  const

Return TRUE if overstrike mode in effect.

void FX::FXText::setStyled ( FXbool  styled = TRUE  ) 

Set styled text mode.

FXbool FX::FXText::isStyled (  )  const [inline]

Return TRUE if style buffer.

void FX::FXText::setDelimiters ( const FXchar *  delims = textDelimiters  )  [inline]

Change delimiters of words.

const FXchar* FX::FXText::getDelimiters (  )  const [inline]

Return word delimiters.

void FX::FXText::setFont ( FXFont fnt  ) 

Change text font.

FXFont* FX::FXText::getFont (  )  const [inline]

Return text font.

void FX::FXText::setTextColor ( FXColor  clr  ) 

Change text color.

FXColor FX::FXText::getTextColor (  )  const [inline]

Return text color.

void FX::FXText::setSelBackColor ( FXColor  clr  ) 

Change selected background color.

FXColor FX::FXText::getSelBackColor (  )  const [inline]

Return selected background color.

void FX::FXText::setSelTextColor ( FXColor  clr  ) 

Change selected text color.

FXColor FX::FXText::getSelTextColor (  )  const [inline]

Return selected text color.

void FX::FXText::setHiliteTextColor ( FXColor  clr  ) 

Change highlighted text color.

FXColor FX::FXText::getHiliteTextColor (  )  const [inline]

Return highlighted text color.

void FX::FXText::setHiliteBackColor ( FXColor  clr  ) 

Change highlighted background color.

FXColor FX::FXText::getHiliteBackColor (  )  const [inline]

Return highlighted background color.

void FX::FXText::setActiveBackColor ( FXColor  clr  ) 

Change active background color.

FXColor FX::FXText::getActiveBackColor (  )  const [inline]

Return active background color.

void FX::FXText::setCursorColor ( FXColor  clr  ) 

Change cursor color.

FXColor FX::FXText::getCursorColor (  )  const [inline]

Return cursor color.

void FX::FXText::setNumberColor ( FXColor  clr  ) 

Change line number color.

FXColor FX::FXText::getNumberColor (  )  const [inline]

Return line number color.

void FX::FXText::setBarColor ( FXColor  clr  ) 

Change bar color.

FXColor FX::FXText::getBarColor (  )  const [inline]

Return bar color.

void FX::FXText::setHelpText ( const FXString text  )  [inline]

Set help text.

FXString FX::FXText::getHelpText (  )  const [inline]

Return help text.

void FX::FXText::setTipText ( const FXString text  )  [inline]

Set the tool tip message for this text widget.

FXString FX::FXText::getTipText (  )  const [inline]

Get the tool tip message for this text widget.

FXint FX::FXText::getByte ( FXint  pos  )  const

Get character at position in text buffer.

FXwchar FX::FXText::getChar ( FXint  pos  )  const

Get wide character at position pos.

FXint FX::FXText::getCharLen ( FXint  pos  )  const

Get length of wide character at position pos.

FXint FX::FXText::getStyle ( FXint  pos  )  const

Get style at position pos.

void FX::FXText::extractText ( FXchar *  text,
FXint  pos,
FXint  n 
) const

Extract n bytes of text from position pos.

void FX::FXText::extractStyle ( FXString text,
FXint  pos,
FXint  n 
) const

Extract n bytes of style info from position pos.

virtual void FX::FXText::replaceText ( FXint  pos,
FXint  m,
const FXchar *  text,
FXint  n,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 
) [virtual]

Replace m bytes at pos by n characters.

virtual void FX::FXText::replaceStyledText ( FXint  pos,
FXint  m,
const FXchar *  text,
FXint  n,
FXint  style = 0,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 
) [virtual]

Replace m bytes at pos by n characters.

virtual void FX::FXText::appendText ( const FXchar *  text,
FXint  n,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 
) [virtual]

Append n bytes of text at the end of the buffer.

virtual void FX::FXText::appendStyledText ( const FXchar *  text,
FXint  n,
FXint  style = 0,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 
) [virtual]

Append n bytes of text at the end of the buffer.

virtual void FX::FXText::insertText ( FXint  pos,
const FXchar *  text,
FXint  n,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 
) [virtual]

Insert n bytes of text at position pos into the buffer.

virtual void FX::FXText::insertStyledText ( FXint  pos,
const FXchar *  text,
FXint  n,
FXint  style = 0,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 
) [virtual]

Insert n bytes of text at position pos into the buffer.

virtual void FX::FXText::removeText ( FXint  pos,
FXint  n,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 
) [virtual]

Remove n bytes of text at position pos from the buffer.

virtual void FX::FXText::changeStyle ( FXint  pos,
FXint  n,
FXint  style 
) [virtual]

Change style of text range.

virtual void FX::FXText::changeStyle ( FXint  pos,
const FXchar *  style,
FXint  n 
) [virtual]

Change style of text range from style-array.

virtual void FX::FXText::setText ( const FXchar *  text,
FXint  n,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 
) [virtual]

Change the text in the buffer to new text.

virtual void FX::FXText::setStyledText ( const FXchar *  text,
FXint  n,
FXint  style = 0,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 
) [virtual]

Change the text in the buffer to new text.

void FX::FXText::getText ( FXchar *  text,
FXint  n 
) const

Retrieve text into buffer.

FXString FX::FXText::getText (  )  const

Return text in the widget.

FXint FX::FXText::getLength (  )  const [inline]

Return length of buffer.

FXint FX::FXText::getNumRows (  )  const [inline]

Return number of rows in buffer.

FXint FX::FXText::shiftText ( FXint  start,
FXint  end,
FXint  amount,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 

Shift block of lines from position start up to end by given amount.

FXbool FX::FXText::findText ( const FXString string,
FXint *  beg = NULL,
FXint *  end = NULL,
FXint  start = 0,
FXint  npar = 1 

Search for string in text buffer, returning the extent of the string in beg and end. The search starts from the given starting position, scans forward (SEARCH_FORWARD) or backward (SEARCH_BACKWARD), and wraps around if SEARCH_WRAP has been specified. The search type is either a plain search (SEARCH_EXACT), case insensitive search (SEARCH_IGNORECASE), or regular expression search (SEARCH_REGEX). For regular expression searches, capturing parentheses are used if npar is greater than 1; in this case, the number of entries in the beg[], end[] arrays must be npar also. If either beg or end or both are NULL, internal arrays are used. [This API is still subject to change!!]

FXbool FX::FXText::isPosSelected ( FXint  pos  )  const

Return TRUE if position pos is selected.

FXbool FX::FXText::isPosVisible ( FXint  pos  )  const

Return TRUE if position is fully visible.

FXint FX::FXText::getPosAt ( FXint  x,
FXint  y 
) const

Return text position at given visible x,y coordinate.

FXint FX::FXText::countRows ( FXint  start,
FXint  end 
) const

Count number of rows; start should be on a row start.

FXint FX::FXText::countCols ( FXint  start,
FXint  end 
) const

Count number of columns; start should be on a row start.

FXint FX::FXText::countLines ( FXint  start,
FXint  end 
) const

Count number of newlines.

FXint FX::FXText::lineStart ( FXint  pos  )  const

Return position of begin of line containing position pos.

FXint FX::FXText::lineEnd ( FXint  pos  )  const

Return position of end of line containing position pos.

FXint FX::FXText::nextLine ( FXint  pos,
FXint  nl = 1 
) const

Return start of next line.

FXint FX::FXText::prevLine ( FXint  pos,
FXint  nl = 1 
) const

Return start of previous line.

FXint FX::FXText::rowStart ( FXint  pos  )  const

Return row start.

FXint FX::FXText::rowEnd ( FXint  pos  )  const

Return row end.

FXint FX::FXText::nextRow ( FXint  pos,
FXint  nr = 1 
) const

Return start of next row.

FXint FX::FXText::prevRow ( FXint  pos,
FXint  nr = 1 
) const

Return start of previous row.

FXint FX::FXText::leftWord ( FXint  pos  )  const

Return end of previous word.

FXint FX::FXText::rightWord ( FXint  pos  )  const

Return begin of next word.

FXint FX::FXText::wordStart ( FXint  pos  )  const

Return begin of word.

FXint FX::FXText::wordEnd ( FXint  pos  )  const

Return end of word.

FXint FX::FXText::validPos ( FXint  pos  )  const

Return validated utf8 character start position.

FXint FX::FXText::dec ( FXint  pos  )  const

Retreat to the previous valid utf8 character start.

FXint FX::FXText::inc ( FXint  pos  )  const

Advance to the next valid utf8 character start.

void FX::FXText::setTopLine ( FXint  pos  ) 

Make line containing pos the top line.

FXint FX::FXText::getTopLine (  )  const

Return position of top line.

void FX::FXText::setBottomLine ( FXint  pos  ) 

Make line containing pos the bottom line.

FXint FX::FXText::getBottomLine (  )  const

Return the position of the bottom line.

void FX::FXText::setCenterLine ( FXint  pos  ) 

Make line containing pos the center line.

void FX::FXText::setAnchorPos ( FXint  pos  ) 

Set the anchor position.

FXint FX::FXText::getAnchorPos (  )  const [inline]

Return the anchor position.

virtual void FX::FXText::setCursorPos ( FXint  pos,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 
) [virtual]

Set the cursor position.

void FX::FXText::setCursorRow ( FXint  row,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 

Set cursor row.

FXint FX::FXText::getCursorRow (  )  const [inline]

Return cursor row.

void FX::FXText::setCursorColumn ( FXint  col,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 

Set cursor column.

FXint FX::FXText::getCursorColumn (  )  const [inline]

Return cursor row, i.e. indent position.

FXint FX::FXText::getCursorPos (  )  const [inline]

Return the cursor position.

FXint FX::FXText::getSelStartPos (  )  const [inline]

Return selstartpos.

FXint FX::FXText::getSelEndPos (  )  const [inline]

Return selendpos.

FXbool FX::FXText::selectAll ( FXbool  notify = FALSE  ) 

Select all text.

virtual FXbool FX::FXText::extendSelection ( FXint  pos,
FXTextSelectionMode  select = SELECT_CHARS,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 
) [virtual]

Extend the selection from the anchor to the given position.

FXbool FX::FXText::setSelection ( FXint  pos,
FXint  len,
FXbool  notify = FALSE 

Select len characters starting at given position pos.

virtual FXbool FX::FXText::killSelection ( FXbool  notify = FALSE  )  [virtual]

Unselect the text.

FXbool FX::FXText::setHighlight ( FXint  start,
FXint  len 

Highlight len characters starting at given position pos.

FXbool FX::FXText::killHighlight (  ) 

Unhighlight the text.

void FX::FXText::makePositionVisible ( FXint  pos  ) 

Scroll text to make the given position visible.

void FX::FXText::setTextStyle ( FXuint  style  ) 

Change text widget style.

FXuint FX::FXText::getTextStyle (  )  const

Return text widget style.

void FX::FXText::setVisibleRows ( FXint  rows  ) 

Change number of visible rows.

FXint FX::FXText::getVisibleRows (  )  const [inline]

Return number of visible rows.

void FX::FXText::setAutoVisibleRows ( FXint  rows  ) 

Sets number of auto-visible rows.

FXint FX::FXText::getAutoVisibleRows (  )  const [inline]

Return number of auto-visible rows.

void FX::FXText::setVisibleColumns ( FXint  cols  ) 

Change number of visible columns.

FXint FX::FXText::getVisibleColumns (  )  const [inline]

Return number of visible columns.

void FX::FXText::setHiliteMatchTime ( FXuint  t  )  [inline]

Change brace and parenthesis match highlighting time, in ms. A match highlight time of 0 disables brace matching.

FXuint FX::FXText::getHiliteMatchTime (  )  const [inline]

Return brace and parenthesis match highlighting time, in ms.

void FX::FXText::setHiliteStyles ( const FXHiliteStyle styles  ) 

Set highlight styles.

const FXHiliteStyle* FX::FXText::getHiliteStyles (  )  const [inline]

Get highlight styles.

virtual void FX::FXText::save ( FXStream store  )  const [virtual]

Save to a stream.

Reimplemented from FX::FXWindow.

virtual void FX::FXText::load ( FXStream store  )  [virtual]

Load from a stream.

Reimplemented from FX::FXWindow.

virtual FXint FX::FXScrollArea::getViewportHeight (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Return viewport height.

Reimplemented in FX::FXIconList, and FX::FXRulerView.

virtual FXint FX::FXScrollArea::getViewportWidth (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Return viewport width.

Reimplemented in FX::FXRulerView.

void FX::FXScrollArea::setScrollStyle ( FXuint  style  )  [inherited]

Change scroll style.

FXuint FX::FXScrollArea::getScrollStyle (  )  const [inherited]

Return scroll style.

FXbool FX::FXScrollArea::isHorizontalScrollable (  )  const [inherited]

Return TRUE if horizontally scrollable.

FXbool FX::FXScrollArea::isVerticalScrollable (  )  const [inherited]

Return TRUE if vertically scrollable.

FXScrollBar* FX::FXScrollArea::horizontalScrollBar (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return a pointer to the horizontal scrollbar.

FXScrollBar* FX::FXScrollArea::verticalScrollBar (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return a pointer to the vertical scrollbar.

FXint FX::FXScrollArea::getXPosition (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return the current x-position.

FXint FX::FXScrollArea::getYPosition (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return the current y-position.

void FX::FXScrollArea::setPosition ( FXint  x,
FXint  y 
) [inherited]

Set the current position.

void FX::FXScrollArea::getPosition ( FXint &  x,
FXint &  y 
) const [inline, inherited]

Get the current position.

virtual void FX::FXComposite::destroy (  )  [virtual, inherited]

FXint FX::FXComposite::maxChildWidth (  )  const [inherited]

Return the width of the widest child window.

FXint FX::FXComposite::maxChildHeight (  )  const [inherited]

Return the height of the tallest child window.

virtual bool FX::FXComposite::isComposite (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Overrides this virtual function to return TRUE.

Reimplemented from FX::FXWindow.

static FXuint FX::FXWindow::userHandednessLayout (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Returns LAYOUT_RIGHT or LAYOUT_LEFT suitable for the current user's handedness.

References FX::FXProcess::userHandedness().

static FXuint FX::FXWindow::defaultPadding (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Returns the default padding quantity.

References FX::FXProcess::screenScale().

static FXuint FX::FXWindow::defaultSpacing (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Returns the default child spacing quantity.

References FX::FXProcess::screenScale().

static FXuint FX::FXWindow::scaleLayoutValue ( FXuint  value  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Scales a layout value by a factor.

References FX::FXProcess::screenScale().

FXWindow* FX::FXWindow::getParent (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return a pointer to the parent window.

FXWindow* FX::FXWindow::getOwner (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return a pointer to the owner window.

FXWindow* FX::FXWindow::getShell (  )  const [inherited]

Return a pointer to the shell window.

FXWindow* FX::FXWindow::getRoot (  )  const [inherited]

Return a pointer to the root window.

FXWindow* FX::FXWindow::getNext (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return a pointer to the next (sibling) window, if any.

FXWindow* FX::FXWindow::getPrev (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return a pointer to the previous (sibling) window , if any.

FXWindow* FX::FXWindow::getFirst (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return a pointer to this window's first child window , if any.

FXWindow* FX::FXWindow::getLast (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return a pointer to this window's last child window, if any.

FXWindow* FX::FXWindow::getFocus (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return a pointer to the currently focused child window.

void FX::FXWindow::setKey ( FXuint  k  )  [inline, inherited]

Change window key.

FXuint FX::FXWindow::getKey (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return window key.

void FX::FXWindow::setTarget ( FXObject t  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the message target object for this window.

FXObject* FX::FXWindow::getTarget (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the message target object for this window, if any.

void FX::FXWindow::setSelector ( FXSelector  sel  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the message identifier for this window.

FXSelector FX::FXWindow::getSelector (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the message identifier for this window.

FXint FX::FXWindow::getX (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get this window's x-coordinate, in the parent's coordinate system.

FXint FX::FXWindow::getY (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get this window's y-coordinate, in the parent's coordinate system.

virtual FXint FX::FXWindow::getWidthForHeight ( FXint  givenheight  )  [virtual, inherited]

Return width for given height.

Reimplemented in FX::FXDockSite.

virtual FXint FX::FXWindow::getHeightForWidth ( FXint  givenwidth  )  [virtual, inherited]

Return height for given width.

Reimplemented in FX::FXDockSite.

void FX::FXWindow::setX ( FXint  x  )  [inherited]

Set this window's x-coordinate, in the parent's coordinate system.

void FX::FXWindow::setY ( FXint  y  )  [inherited]

Set this window's y-coordinate, in the parent's coordinate system.

void FX::FXWindow::setWidth ( FXint  w  )  [inherited]

Set the window width; and flag the widget as being in need of layout by its parent. This does not immediately update the server- side representation of the widget.

void FX::FXWindow::setHeight ( FXint  h  )  [inherited]

Set the window height; and flag the widget as being in need of layout by its parent. This does not immediately update the server- side representation of the widget.

void FX::FXWindow::setLayoutHints ( FXuint  lout  )  [inherited]

Set layout hints for this window.

FXuint FX::FXWindow::getLayoutHints (  )  const [inherited]

Get layout hints for this window.

FXAccelTable* FX::FXWindow::getAccelTable (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return a pointer to the accelerator table.

void FX::FXWindow::setAccelTable ( FXAccelTable acceltable  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the accelerator table.

void FX::FXWindow::addHotKey ( FXHotKey  code  )  [inherited]

Add a hot key.

void FX::FXWindow::remHotKey ( FXHotKey  code  )  [inherited]

Remove a hot key.

void FX::FXWindow::setHelpTag ( const FXString text  )  [inline, inherited]

Change help tag for this widget.

const FXString& FX::FXWindow::getHelpTag (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the help tag for this widget.

bool FX::FXWindow::isShell (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if window is a shell window.

bool FX::FXWindow::isPopup (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if window is a popup window.

bool FX::FXWindow::isOwnerOf ( const FXWindow window  )  const [inherited]

Return true if specified window is owned by this window.

bool FX::FXWindow::isChildOf ( const FXWindow window  )  const [inherited]

Return true if specified window is ancestor of this window.

bool FX::FXWindow::containsChild ( const FXWindow child  )  const [inherited]

Return true if this window contains child in its subtree.

FXWindow* FX::FXWindow::getChildAt ( FXint  x,
FXint  y 
) const [inherited]

Return the child window at specified coordinates.

FXint FX::FXWindow::numChildren (  )  const [inherited]

Return the number of child windows for this window.

FXint FX::FXWindow::indexOfChild ( const FXWindow window  )  const [inherited]

Return the index (starting from zero) of the specified child window, or -1 if the window is not a child or NULL

FXWindow* FX::FXWindow::childAtIndex ( FXint  index  )  const [inherited]

Return the child window at specified index, or NULL if the index is negative or out of range

static FXWindow* FX::FXWindow::commonAncestor ( FXWindow a,
FXWindow b 
) [static, inherited]

Return the common ancestor of window a and window b.

static bool FX::FXWindow::before ( const FXWindow a,
const FXWindow b 
) [static, inherited]

Return TRUE if sibling a <= sibling b in list.

static bool FX::FXWindow::after ( const FXWindow a,
const FXWindow b 
) [static, inherited]

Return TRUE if sibling a >= sibling b in list.

FXComposeContext* FX::FXWindow::getComposeContext (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return compose context.

void FX::FXWindow::createComposeContext (  )  [inherited]

Create compose context.

void FX::FXWindow::destroyComposeContext (  )  [inherited]

Destroy compose context.

void FX::FXWindow::setDefaultCursor ( FXCursor cur  )  [inherited]

Set the default cursor for this window.

FXCursor* FX::FXWindow::getDefaultCursor (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return the default cursor for this window.

void FX::FXWindow::setSavedCursor ( FXCursor cur  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the saved cursor for this window.

FXCursor* FX::FXWindow::getSavedCursor (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return the saved cursor for this window.

void FX::FXWindow::setDragCursor ( FXCursor cur  )  [inherited]

Set the drag cursor for this window.

FXCursor* FX::FXWindow::getDragCursor (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return the drag cursor for this window.

FXint FX::FXWindow::getCursorPosition ( FXint &  x,
FXint &  y,
FXuint &  buttons 
) const [inherited]

Return the cursor position and mouse button-state.

FXint FX::FXWindow::setCursorPosition ( FXint  x,
FXint  y 
) [inherited]

Warp the cursor to the new position.

bool FX::FXWindow::isEnabled (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if this window is able to receive mouse and keyboard events.

bool FX::FXWindow::isActive (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if the window is active.

bool FX::FXWindow::hasFocus (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if this window has the focus.

bool FX::FXWindow::inFocusChain (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if this window is in focus chain.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::changeFocus ( FXWindow child  )  [virtual, inherited]

Notification that focus moved to new child.

Reimplemented in FX::FXTable.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::setDefault ( FXbool  enable = TRUE  )  [virtual, inherited]

This changes the default window which responds to the Return key in a dialog. If enable is TRUE, this window becomes the default window; when enable is FALSE, this window will be no longer the default window. Finally, when enable is MAYBE, the default window will revert to the initial default window.

Reimplemented in FX::FXButton.

bool FX::FXWindow::isDefault (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if this is the default window.

void FX::FXWindow::setInitial ( bool  enable = true  )  [inherited]

Make this window the initial default window.

bool FX::FXWindow::isInitial (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if this is the initial default window.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::attach ( FXID  w  )  [virtual, inherited]

Attach foreign window handle to this window.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::setShape ( const FXRegion region  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set window shape by means of region.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::setShape ( FXBitmap bitmap  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set window shape by means of bitmap.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::setShape ( FXIcon icon  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set window shape by means of icon.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::clearShape (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Clear window shape.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::raise (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Raise this window to the top of the stacking order.

Reimplemented in FX::FXTopWindow.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::lower (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Lower this window to the bottom of the stacking order.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::move ( FXint  x,
FXint  y 
) [virtual, inherited]

Move the window immediately, in the parent's coordinate system. Update the server representation as well if the window is realized. Perform layout of the children when necessary.

Reimplemented in FX::FXMDIChild, FX::FXRootWindow, and FX::FXTopWindow.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::resize ( FXint  w,
FXint  h 
) [virtual, inherited]

Resize the window to the specified width and height immediately, updating the server representation as well, if the window was realized. Perform layout of the children when necessary.

Reimplemented from FX::FXDrawable.

Reimplemented in FX::FXIconList, FX::FXMDIChild, FX::FXRootWindow, and FX::FXTopWindow.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::position ( FXint  x,
FXint  y,
FXint  w,
FXint  h 
) [virtual, inherited]

Move and resize the window immediately, in the parent's coordinate system. Update the server representation as well if the window is realized. Perform layout of the children when necessary.

Reimplemented in FX::FXIconList, FX::FXMDIChild, FX::FXRootWindow, and FX::FXTopWindow.

void FX::FXWindow::forceRefresh (  )  [inherited]

Generate a SEL_UPDATE message for the window and its children.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::reparent ( FXWindow father,
FXWindow other = NULL 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reparent this window under new father before other.

void FX::FXWindow::scroll ( FXint  x,
FXint  y,
FXint  w,
FXint  h,
FXint  dx,
FXint  dy 
) const [inherited]

Scroll rectangle x,y,w,h by a shift of dx,dy.

void FX::FXWindow::update ( FXint  x,
FXint  y,
FXint  w,
FXint  h 
) const [inherited]

Mark the specified rectangle to be repainted later.

void FX::FXWindow::update (  )  const [inherited]

Mark the entire window to be repainted later.

void FX::FXWindow::repaint ( FXint  x,
FXint  y,
FXint  w,
FXint  h 
) const [inherited]

Process any outstanding repaint messages immediately, for the given rectangle.

void FX::FXWindow::repaint (  )  const [inherited]

Process any outstanding repaint messages immediately.

void FX::FXWindow::grab (  )  [inherited]

Grab the mouse to this window; future mouse events will be reported to this window even while the cursor goes outside of this window

void FX::FXWindow::ungrab (  )  [inherited]

Release the mouse grab.

bool FX::FXWindow::grabbed (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if the window has been grabbed.

void FX::FXWindow::grabKeyboard (  )  [inherited]

Grab keyboard device.

void FX::FXWindow::ungrabKeyboard (  )  [inherited]

Ungrab keyboard device.

bool FX::FXWindow::grabbedKeyboard (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if active grab is in effect.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::show (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Show this window.

Reimplemented in FX::FXPopup, FX::FXScrollPane, FX::FXSplashWindow, FX::FXToolTip, and FX::FXTopWindow.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::hide (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Hide this window.

Reimplemented in FX::FXDirDialog, FX::FXFileDialog, FX::FXPopup, FX::FXSplashWindow, and FX::FXTopWindow.

bool FX::FXWindow::shown (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if the window is shown.

bool FX::FXWindow::underCursor (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if the window is under the cursor.

bool FX::FXWindow::hasSelection (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if this window owns the primary selection.

bool FX::FXWindow::acquireSelection ( const FXDragType *  types,
FXuint  numtypes 
) [inherited]

Try to acquire the primary selection, given a list of drag types.

bool FX::FXWindow::releaseSelection (  )  [inherited]

Release the primary selection.

bool FX::FXWindow::hasClipboard (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if this window owns the clipboard.

bool FX::FXWindow::acquireClipboard ( const FXDragType *  types,
FXuint  numtypes 
) [inherited]

Try to acquire the clipboard, given a list of drag types.

bool FX::FXWindow::releaseClipboard (  )  [inherited]

Release the clipboard.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::dropEnable (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Enable this window to receive drops.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::dropDisable (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Disable this window from receiving drops.

bool FX::FXWindow::isDropEnabled (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if this window is able to receive drops.

bool FX::FXWindow::isDragging (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if a drag operaion has been initiated from this window.

bool FX::FXWindow::beginDrag ( const FXDragType *  types,
FXuint  numtypes 
) [inherited]

Initiate a drag operation with a list of previously registered drag types.

bool FX::FXWindow::handleDrag ( FXint  x,
FXint  y,
FXDragAction  action = DRAG_COPY 
) [inherited]

When dragging, inform the drop-target of the new position and the drag action

FXDragAction FX::FXWindow::endDrag ( bool  drop = true  )  [inherited]

Terminate the drag operation with or without actually dropping the data Returns the action performed by the target

bool FX::FXWindow::isDropTarget (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if this window is the target of a drop.

void FX::FXWindow::setDragRectangle ( FXint  x,
FXint  y,
FXint  w,
FXint  h,
bool  wantupdates = true 
) const [inherited]

When being dragged over, indicate that no further SEL_DND_MOTION messages are required while the cursor is inside the given rectangle

void FX::FXWindow::clearDragRectangle (  )  const [inherited]

When being dragged over, indicate we want to receive SEL_DND_MOTION messages every time the cursor moves

void FX::FXWindow::acceptDrop ( FXDragAction  action = DRAG_ACCEPT  )  const [inherited]

When being dragged over, indicate acceptance or rejection of the dragged data.

FXDragAction FX::FXWindow::didAccept (  )  const [inherited]

The target accepted our drop.

void FX::FXWindow::dropFinished ( FXDragAction  action = DRAG_REJECT  )  const [inherited]

Sent by the drop target in response to SEL_DND_DROP. The drag action should be the same as the action the drop target reported to the drag source in reponse to the SEL_DND_MOTION message. This function notifies the drag source that its part of the drop transaction is finished, and that it is free to release any resources involved in the drag operation. Calling dropFinished() is advisable in cases where the drop target needs to perform complex processing on the data received from the drag source, prior to returning from the SEL_DND_DROP message handler.

bool FX::FXWindow::inquireDNDTypes ( FXDNDOrigin  origin,
FXDragType *&  types,
FXuint &  numtypes 
) const [inherited]

When being dragged over, inquire the drag types which are being offered.

bool FX::FXWindow::offeredDNDType ( FXDNDOrigin  origin,
FXDragType  type 
) const [inherited]

When being dragged over, return true if we are offered the given drag type.

FXDragAction FX::FXWindow::inquireDNDAction (  )  const [inherited]

When being dragged over, return the drag action.

bool FX::FXWindow::setDNDData ( FXDNDOrigin  origin,
FXDragType  type,
FXuchar *  data,
FXuint  size 
) const [inherited]

Set DND data; the array must be allocated with FXMALLOC and ownership is transferred to the system

bool FX::FXWindow::setDNDData ( FXDNDOrigin  origin,
FXDragType  type,
const FXString string 
) const [inherited]

Set DND data from string value.

bool FX::FXWindow::getDNDData ( FXDNDOrigin  origin,
FXDragType  type,
FXuchar *&  data,
FXuint &  size 
) const [inherited]

Get DND data; the caller becomes the owner of the array and must free it with FXFREE

bool FX::FXWindow::getDNDData ( FXDNDOrigin  origin,
FXDragType  type,
FXString string 
) const [inherited]

Get DND data into string value.

virtual bool FX::FXWindow::contains ( FXint  parentx,
FXint  parenty 
) const [virtual, inherited]

Return true if window logically contains the given point.

Reimplemented in FX::FXMenuBar, FX::FXMenuButton, FX::FXMenuCascade, FX::FXMenuPane, FX::FXMenuTitle, and FX::FXOptionMenu.

void FX::FXWindow::translateCoordinatesFrom ( FXint &  tox,
FXint &  toy,
const FXWindow fromwindow,
FXint  fromx,
FXint  fromy 
) const [inherited]

Translate coordinates from fromwindow's coordinate space to this window's coordinate space.

void FX::FXWindow::translateCoordinatesTo ( FXint &  tox,
FXint &  toy,
const FXWindow towindow,
FXint  fromx,
FXint  fromy 
) const [inherited]

Translate coordinates from this window's coordinate space to towindow's coordinate space.

virtual void FX::FXWindow::setBackColor ( FXColor  clr  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set window background color.

Reimplemented in FX::FXComboBox, and FX::FXListBox.

FXColor FX::FXWindow::getBackColor (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get background color.

Reimplemented in FX::FXComboBox, and FX::FXListBox.

FXint FX::FXDrawable::getWidth (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Width of drawable.

FXint FX::FXDrawable::getHeight (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Height of drawable.

FXVisual* FX::FXDrawable::getVisual (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the visual.

void FX::FXDrawable::setVisual ( FXVisual vis  )  [inherited]

Change visual.

FXApp* FX::FXId::getApp (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get application.

FXEventLoop* FX::FXId::getEventLoop (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get event loop which owns this.

FXID FX::FXId::id (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get XID handle.

void FX::FXId::setUserData ( void *  ptr  )  [inline, inherited]

Set user data pointer.

void* FX::FXId::getUserData (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get user data pointer.

virtual long FX::FXObject::onDefault ( FXObject ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   
) [virtual, inherited]

Called for unhandled messages.

Reimplemented in FX::FXDelegator, FX::FXGLViewer, FX::FXMDIChild, and FX::FXMDIClient.

const FXchar* FX::FXObject::getClassName (  )  const [inherited]

Get class name of some object.

bool FX::FXObject::isMemberOf ( const FXMetaClass metaclass  )  const [inherited]

Check if object is member of metaclass.

virtual long FX::FXObject::tryHandle ( FXObject sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 
) [virtual, inherited]

Try handle message safely.

QTransString FX::FXObject::tr ( const char *  text,
const char *  hint = 0 
) [inherited]

Returns a human translated version of the text to the locale language (warning: uses a virtual method call, so can't use before construction)

virtual void* FX::FXObject::getPythonObject (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Returns the python object representing this instance (if created in python).

virtual void FX::FXObject::decouplePythonObject (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Causes decoupling of python object from this object (deletes self).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 22:20:42 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6