FX::FXAccelTable Class Reference

#include <FXAccelTable.h>

Inheritance diagram for FX::FXAccelTable:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The accelerator table sends a message to a specific target object when the indicated key and modifier combination is pressed.

Public Member Functions

long onKeyPress (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onKeyRelease (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 FXAccelTable ()
void addAccel (FXHotKey hotkey, FXObject *target=NULL, FXSelector seldn=0, FXSelector selup=0)
void removeAccel (FXHotKey hotkey)
bool hasAccel (FXHotKey hotkey) const
FXObjecttargetOfAccel (FXHotKey hotkey) const
virtual void save (FXStream &store) const
virtual void load (FXStream &store)
virtual ~FXAccelTable ()
virtual long onDefault (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
const FXchar * getClassName () const
bool isMemberOf (const FXMetaClass *metaclass) const
virtual long tryHandle (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
QTransString tr (const char *text, const char *hint=0)
virtual void * getPythonObject () const
virtual void decouplePythonObject () const


FXAPI FXHotKey parseAccel (const FXString &string)
FXAPI FXString unparseAccel (FXHotKey key)
FXAPI FXHotKey parseHotKey (const FXString &string)
FXAPI FXint findHotKey (const FXString &string)
FXAPI FXString stripHotKey (const FXString &string)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FX::FXAccelTable::FXAccelTable (  ) 

Construct empty accelerator table.

virtual FX::FXAccelTable::~FXAccelTable (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

void FX::FXAccelTable::addAccel ( FXHotKey  hotkey,
FXObject target = NULL,
FXSelector  seldn = 0,
FXSelector  selup = 0 

Add an accelerator into the table.

void FX::FXAccelTable::removeAccel ( FXHotKey  hotkey  ) 

Remove an accelerator from the table.

bool FX::FXAccelTable::hasAccel ( FXHotKey  hotkey  )  const

Return true if accelerator specified.

FXObject* FX::FXAccelTable::targetOfAccel ( FXHotKey  hotkey  )  const

Return target object of the given accelerator.

virtual void FX::FXAccelTable::save ( FXStream store  )  const [virtual]

Save table to a stream.

Reimplemented from FX::FXObject.

virtual void FX::FXAccelTable::load ( FXStream store  )  [virtual]

Load table from a stream.

Reimplemented from FX::FXObject.

virtual long FX::FXObject::onDefault ( FXObject ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   
) [virtual, inherited]

Called for unhandled messages.

Reimplemented in FX::FXDelegator, FX::FXGLViewer, FX::FXMDIChild, and FX::FXMDIClient.

const FXchar* FX::FXObject::getClassName (  )  const [inherited]

Get class name of some object.

bool FX::FXObject::isMemberOf ( const FXMetaClass metaclass  )  const [inherited]

Check if object is member of metaclass.

virtual long FX::FXObject::tryHandle ( FXObject sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 
) [virtual, inherited]

Try handle message safely.

QTransString FX::FXObject::tr ( const char *  text,
const char *  hint = 0 
) [inherited]

Returns a human translated version of the text to the locale language (warning: uses a virtual method call, so can't use before construction)

virtual void* FX::FXObject::getPythonObject (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Returns the python object representing this instance (if created in python).

virtual void FX::FXObject::decouplePythonObject (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Causes decoupling of python object from this object (deletes self).

Friends And Related Function Documentation

FXAPI FXHotKey parseAccel ( const FXString string  )  [friend]

Parse accelerator from string, yielding modifier and key code. For example, parseAccel("Ctl+Shift+X") yields MKUINT(KEY_X,CONTROLMASK|SHIFTMASK).

FXAPI FXString unparseAccel ( FXHotKey  key  )  [friend]

Unparse hot key comprising modifier and key code back into a string suitable for parsing with fxparseHotKey.

FXAPI FXHotKey parseHotKey ( const FXString string  )  [friend]

Parse hot key from string, yielding modifier and key code. For example, parseHotKey(""Salt && &Pepper!"") yields MKUINT(KEY_p,ALTMASK).

FXAPI FXint findHotKey ( const FXString string  )  [friend]

Obtain hot key offset in string, or -1 if not found. For example, findHotKey("Salt && &Pepper!") yields 7. Note that this is the byte-offset, not the character index!

FXAPI FXString stripHotKey ( const FXString string  )  [friend]

Strip hot key combination from the string. For example, stripHotKey("Salt && &Pepper") should yield "Salt & Pepper".

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 21:56:48 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6