FX::FXFont Class Reference

#include <FXFont.h>

Inheritance diagram for FX::FXFont:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Font class.

Public Types

enum  { Fixed, Variable }
enum  {
  Decorative, Modern, Roman, Script,
  Swiss, System, X11, Scalable,
  Polymorphic, Rotatable
enum  {
  ReverseOblique, ReverseItalic, Straight, Italic,
enum  {
  Thin, ExtraLight, Light, Normal,
  Medium, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold,
enum  {
  UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed,
  NonExpanded, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded,

Public Member Functions

 FXFont (FXApp *a, const FXString &string)
 FXFont (FXApp *a, const FXString &face, FXuint size, FXuint weight=FXFont::Normal, FXuint slant=FXFont::Straight, FXuint encoding=FONTENCODING_DEFAULT, FXuint setwidth=FXFont::NonExpanded, FXuint h=0)
 FXFont (FXApp *a, const FXFontDesc &fontdesc)
virtual void create ()
virtual void detach ()
virtual void destroy ()
FXString getFamily () const
FXString getFoundry () const
const FXStringgetName () const
const FXStringgetActualName () const
FXuint getSize () const
FXuint getActualSize () const
FXuint getWeight () const
FXuint getActualWeight () const
FXuint getSlant () const
FXuint getActualSlant () const
FXuint getEncoding () const
FXuint getActualEncoding () const
FXuint getSetWidth () const
FXuint getActualSetWidth () const
FXuint getHints () const
FXuint getFlags () const
void getFontDesc (FXFontDesc &fontdesc) const
virtual void setFontDesc (const FXFontDesc &fontdesc)
FXint getAngle () const
virtual void setAngle (FXint ang)
FXString getFont () const
virtual void setFont (const FXString &string)
virtual FXbool isFontMono () const
virtual FXbool hasChar (FXwchar ch) const
virtual FXwchar getMinChar () const
virtual FXwchar getMaxChar () const
virtual FXint leftBearing (FXwchar ch) const
virtual FXint rightBearing (FXwchar ch) const
virtual FXint getFontWidth () const
virtual FXint getFontHeight () const
virtual FXint getFontAscent () const
virtual FXint getFontDescent () const
virtual FXint getFontLeading () const
virtual FXint getFontSpacing () const
virtual FXint getCharWidth (const FXwchar ch) const
virtual FXint getTextWidth (const FXString &string) const
virtual FXint getTextWidth (const FXchar *string, FXuint length) const
virtual FXint getTextHeight (const FXString &string) const
virtual FXint getTextHeight (const FXchar *string, FXuint length) const
virtual void save (FXStream &store) const
virtual void load (FXStream &store)
virtual ~FXFont ()
FXAppgetApp () const
FXEventLoopgetEventLoop () const
FXID id () const
void setUserData (void *ptr)
void * getUserData () const
virtual long onDefault (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
const FXchar * getClassName () const
bool isMemberOf (const FXMetaClass *metaclass) const
virtual long tryHandle (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
QTransString tr (const char *text, const char *hint=0)
virtual void * getPythonObject () const
virtual void decouplePythonObject () const

Static Public Member Functions

static FXbool listFonts (FXFontDesc *&fonts, FXuint &numfonts, const FXString &face, FXuint wt=0, FXuint sl=0, FXuint sw=0, FXuint en=0, FXuint h=0)

Protected Member Functions

void * match (const FXString &wantfamily, const FXString &wantforge, FXuint wantsize, FXuint wantweight, FXuint wantslant, FXuint wantsetwidth, FXuint wantencoding, FXuint wanthints, FXint res)

Protected Attributes

FXString wantedName
FXString actualName
FXushort wantedSize
FXushort actualSize
FXushort wantedWeight
FXushort actualWeight
FXushort wantedSlant
FXushort actualSlant
FXushort wantedSetwidth
FXushort actualSetwidth
FXushort wantedEncoding
FXushort actualEncoding
FXushort hints
FXushort flags
FXshort angle
void * font
FXID xid


class FXDCWindow

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Font pitch hints.

Variable  Fixed pitch, mono-spaced.

anonymous enum

Font style hints.

Modern  Fancy fonts.
Roman  Monospace typewriter font.
Script  Variable width times-like font, serif.
Swiss  Script or cursive.
System  Helvetica/swiss type font, sans-serif.
X11  System font.
Scalable  Raw X11 font string.
Polymorphic  Scalable fonts.
Rotatable  Polymorphic fonts, e.g. parametric weight, slant, etc.

anonymous enum

Font slant options.

ReverseItalic  Reversed oblique.
Straight  Reversed italic.
Italic  Straight, not slanted.
Oblique  Italics.

anonymous enum

Font weight options.

ExtraLight  Thin.
Light  Extra light.
Normal  Light.
Medium  Normal or regular weight.
DemiBold  Medium bold face.
Bold  Demi bold face.
ExtraBold  Bold face.
Black  Extra.

anonymous enum

Condensed or expanded options.

ExtraCondensed  Ultra condensed printing.
Condensed  Extra condensed.
SemiCondensed  Condensed.
NonExpanded  Semi-condensed.
SemiExpanded  Regular printing.
Expanded  Semi expanded.
ExtraExpanded  Expanded.
UltraExpanded  Extra expanded.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FX::FXFont::FXFont ( FXApp a,
const FXString string 

Construct a font with given font description of the form:

fontname [ "[" foundry "]" ] ["," size ["," weight ["," slant ["," setwidth ["," encoding ["," hints]]]]]]

For example:

"helvetica [bitstream],120,bold,italic,normal,iso8859-1,0"

Typically, at least the font name, and size must be given for normal font matching. As a special case, raw X11 fonts can also be passed, for example:


Note: use of the raw X11 fonts is stronly discouraged.

FX::FXFont::FXFont ( FXApp a,
const FXString face,
FXuint  size,
FXuint  weight = FXFont::Normal,
FXuint  slant = FXFont::Straight,
FXuint  setwidth = FXFont::NonExpanded,
FXuint  h = 0 

Construct a font with given name, size in points, weight, slant, character set encoding, setwidth, and hints. The font name may be comprised of a family name and optional foundry name enclosed in square brackets, for example, "helvetica [bitstream]".

FX::FXFont::FXFont ( FXApp a,
const FXFontDesc fontdesc 

Construct font from font description.

virtual FX::FXFont::~FXFont (  )  [virtual]

Destroy font.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void FX::FXFont::create (  )  [virtual]

Create the font.

Reimplemented from FX::FXId.

virtual void FX::FXFont::detach (  )  [virtual]

Detach the font.

Reimplemented from FX::FXId.

virtual void FX::FXFont::destroy (  )  [virtual]

Destroy the font.

Reimplemented from FX::FXId.

FXString FX::FXFont::getFamily (  )  const

Return family part of name.

FXString FX::FXFont::getFoundry (  )  const

Return foundry part of name.

const FXString& FX::FXFont::getName (  )  const [inline]

Get font family name.

const FXString& FX::FXFont::getActualName (  )  const [inline]

Get actual family name.

FXuint FX::FXFont::getSize (  )  const [inline]

Get size in deci-points.

FXuint FX::FXFont::getActualSize (  )  const [inline]

Get actual size in deci-points.

FXuint FX::FXFont::getWeight (  )  const [inline]

Get font weight.

FXuint FX::FXFont::getActualWeight (  )  const [inline]

Get actual font weight.

FXuint FX::FXFont::getSlant (  )  const [inline]

Get slant.

FXuint FX::FXFont::getActualSlant (  )  const [inline]

Get actual slant.

FXuint FX::FXFont::getEncoding (  )  const [inline]

Get character set encoding.

FXuint FX::FXFont::getActualEncoding (  )  const [inline]

Get actual encoding.

FXuint FX::FXFont::getSetWidth (  )  const [inline]

Get setwidth.

FXuint FX::FXFont::getActualSetWidth (  )  const [inline]

Get actual setwidth.

FXuint FX::FXFont::getHints (  )  const [inline]

Get hints.

FXuint FX::FXFont::getFlags (  )  const [inline]

Get flags.

void FX::FXFont::getFontDesc ( FXFontDesc fontdesc  )  const

Get font description.

virtual void FX::FXFont::setFontDesc ( const FXFontDesc fontdesc  )  [virtual]

Change font description.

FXint FX::FXFont::getAngle (  )  const [inline]

Return angle.

virtual void FX::FXFont::setAngle ( FXint  ang  )  [virtual]

Set to new angle, in degrees*64 relative to positive x axis.

FXString FX::FXFont::getFont (  )  const

Return the font description as a string suitable for parsing with setFont(), see above.

virtual void FX::FXFont::setFont ( const FXString string  )  [virtual]

Change the font to the specified font description string.

virtual FXbool FX::FXFont::isFontMono (  )  const [virtual]

Find out if the font is monotype or proportional.

virtual FXbool FX::FXFont::hasChar ( FXwchar  ch  )  const [virtual]

See if font has glyph for ch.

virtual FXwchar FX::FXFont::getMinChar (  )  const [virtual]

Get first character glyph in font.

virtual FXwchar FX::FXFont::getMaxChar (  )  const [virtual]

Get last character glyph in font.

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::leftBearing ( FXwchar  ch  )  const [virtual]

Left bearing.

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::rightBearing ( FXwchar  ch  )  const [virtual]

Right bearing.

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::getFontWidth (  )  const [virtual]

Width of widest character in font.

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::getFontHeight (  )  const [virtual]

Height of highest character in font.

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::getFontAscent (  )  const [virtual]

Ascent from baseline.

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::getFontDescent (  )  const [virtual]

Descent from baseline.

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::getFontLeading (  )  const [virtual]

Get font leading [that is lead-ing as in Pb!].

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::getFontSpacing (  )  const [virtual]

Get font line spacing.

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::getCharWidth ( const FXwchar  ch  )  const [virtual]

Calculate width of single wide character in this font.

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::getTextWidth ( const FXString string  )  const [virtual]

Calculate width of given text in this font.

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::getTextWidth ( const FXchar *  string,
FXuint  length 
) const [virtual]

Calculate width of given text in this font.

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::getTextHeight ( const FXString string  )  const [virtual]

Calculate height of given text in this font.

virtual FXint FX::FXFont::getTextHeight ( const FXchar *  string,
FXuint  length 
) const [virtual]

Calculate height of given text in this font.

static FXbool FX::FXFont::listFonts ( FXFontDesc *&  fonts,
FXuint &  numfonts,
const FXString face,
FXuint  wt = 0,
FXuint  sl = 0,
FXuint  sw = 0,
FXuint  en = 0,
FXuint  h = 0 
) [static]

List all fonts matching hints. If listFonts() returns TRUE then fonts points to a newly-allocated array of length numfonts. It is the caller's responsibility to free this array using FXFREE().

virtual void FX::FXFont::save ( FXStream store  )  const [virtual]

Save font data into stream.

Reimplemented from FX::FXId.

virtual void FX::FXFont::load ( FXStream store  )  [virtual]

Load font data from stream.

Reimplemented from FX::FXId.

FXApp* FX::FXId::getApp (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get application.

FXEventLoop* FX::FXId::getEventLoop (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get event loop which owns this.

FXID FX::FXId::id (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get XID handle.

void FX::FXId::setUserData ( void *  ptr  )  [inline, inherited]

Set user data pointer.

void* FX::FXId::getUserData (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get user data pointer.

virtual long FX::FXObject::onDefault ( FXObject ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   
) [virtual, inherited]

Called for unhandled messages.

Reimplemented in FX::FXDelegator, FX::FXGLViewer, FX::FXMDIChild, and FX::FXMDIClient.

const FXchar* FX::FXObject::getClassName (  )  const [inherited]

Get class name of some object.

bool FX::FXObject::isMemberOf ( const FXMetaClass metaclass  )  const [inherited]

Check if object is member of metaclass.

virtual long FX::FXObject::tryHandle ( FXObject sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 
) [virtual, inherited]

Try handle message safely.

QTransString FX::FXObject::tr ( const char *  text,
const char *  hint = 0 
) [inherited]

Returns a human translated version of the text to the locale language (warning: uses a virtual method call, so can't use before construction)

virtual void* FX::FXObject::getPythonObject (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Returns the python object representing this instance (if created in python).

virtual void FX::FXObject::decouplePythonObject (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Causes decoupling of python object from this object (deletes self).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 21:59:20 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6