FXACL.h | Defines classes used in providing Access Control Lists |
fxassemblerops.h | Defines useful inline functions for assembler-optimised common operations |
FXException.h | Defines macros and classes used in implementation of FOX exception generation & handling |
FXExceptionDialog.h | Defines a dialog which can report an FXException to the user |
FXFSMonitor.h | Defines classes used in monitoring the file system |
FXFunctorTarget.h | Defines classes used in invoking functors |
FXGenericTools.h | Defines a number of tools useful for generic programming |
FXHandedInterface.h | Defines a user handed dialog |
FXHandedMsgBox.h | Defines a user handed message box |
FXIPC.h | Defines classes used in providing inter-process communication |
FXLRUCache.h | Defines classes implementing a generic Least Recently Used Cache |
FXMaths.h | Defines a number of tools useful for maths |
FXMemDbg.h | Redefines the memory allocation routines on MSVC |
fxmemoryops.h | Redefines the global memory operators to use a third party allocation system |
FXMemoryPool.h | Defines classes used to implement custom memory pools |
FXNetwork.h | Defines classes used to provide miscellaneous network services |
FXPolicies.h | Defines a number of policy classes used elsewhere in TnFOX |
FXPrimaryButton.h | Defines a primary button within a dialog |
FXProcess.h | Defines classes used in using processes |
FXPtrHold.h | Defines a stack allocated auto pointer |
FXPython.h | Defines things used in embedding python and providing support |
FXRefedObject.h | Defines classes useful for implementing handles to objects |
FXRollback.h | Defines classes used in rolling back operations when an error occurs |
FXSecure.h | Defines things used in providing secure data transport |
FXStream.h | Defines classes used in formatting data for i/o |
FXString.h | Defines a string object |
FXTime.h | Defines classes used in working with time |
FXWinLinks.h | Defines classes used in manipulating Windows Links |
QBlkSocket.h | Defines classes used to provide a portable network socket |
QBuffer.h | Defines classes used for accessing memory like a file |
QBZip2Device.h | Defines classes used in translating .bz2 files |
qcache.h | Defines an implementation of Qt's QCache |
QChildProcess.h | Defines classes used to access a child process |
qcstring.h | Defines a thunk of Qt's QByteArray to the STL |
qdict.h | Defines an implementation of Qt's QDict |
qdictbase.h | Defines classes used in implementing QTL dictionary classes |
QDir.h | Defines classes used to detail a directory entry |
QFile.h | Defines items and classes used for accessing files |
QFileInfo.h | Defines classes used to detail a file entry |
QGZipDevice.h | Defines classes used in translating .gz files |
QHostAddress.h | Defines classes used to provide an IP address |
qint64dict.h | Defines a QIntDict with 64 bit keys |
qintcache.h | Defines an implementation of Qt's QIntCache |
qintdict.h | Defines an implementation of Qt's QIntDict |
QIODevice.h | Defines classes and values used for i/o |
QIODeviceS.h | Defines classes and values used for synchronous i/o |
QLocalPipe.h | Defines classes used to provide a process local pipe |
qmemarray.h | Defines a thunk of Qt's QMemArray to the STL |
QMemMap.h | Defines classes used to access mapped memory |
QPipe.h | Defines classes used to provide a portable named pipe |
qptrdict.h | Defines an implementation of Qt's QPtrDict |
qptrlist.h | Defines a thunk of Qt's QPtrList to the STL |
qptrvector.h | Defines a thunk of Qt's QPtrVector to the STL |
qsortedlist.h | Defines classes which provide sorted lists with a binary search |
QSSLDevice.h | Defines things used in providing secure data transport |
qstringlist.h | Defines a thunk of Qt's QStringList to the STL |
QThread.h | Defines classes used in implementation of threads |
QTrans.h | Defines classes and items used for human language translation |
qvaluelist.h | Defines a thunk of Qt's QValueList to the STL |
TnFOXDocs.h | A null header file containing ancillory TnFOX documentation only |
TnFXApp.h | Defines the main TnFOX application object |
TnFXGraph.h | Defines classes used to draw graphs |
TnFXSQLDB.h | Defines classes used to work with SQL databases |
TnFXSQLDB_ipc.h | Defines classes used to access databases over a FX::FXIPCChannel |
TnFXSQLDB_sqlite3.h | Defines classes used to work with SQLite3 databases |
TnFXVTKCanvas.h | Defines classes used to work with the Visualisation Toolkit (VTK) |