File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
FXACL.hDefines classes used in providing Access Control Lists
fxassemblerops.hDefines useful inline functions for assembler-optimised common operations
FXException.hDefines macros and classes used in implementation of FOX exception generation & handling
FXExceptionDialog.hDefines a dialog which can report an FXException to the user
FXFSMonitor.hDefines classes used in monitoring the file system
FXFunctorTarget.hDefines classes used in invoking functors
FXGenericTools.hDefines a number of tools useful for generic programming
FXHandedInterface.hDefines a user handed dialog
FXHandedMsgBox.hDefines a user handed message box
FXIPC.hDefines classes used in providing inter-process communication
FXLRUCache.hDefines classes implementing a generic Least Recently Used Cache
FXMaths.hDefines a number of tools useful for maths
FXMemDbg.hRedefines the memory allocation routines on MSVC
fxmemoryops.hRedefines the global memory operators to use a third party allocation system
FXMemoryPool.hDefines classes used to implement custom memory pools
FXNetwork.hDefines classes used to provide miscellaneous network services
FXPolicies.hDefines a number of policy classes used elsewhere in TnFOX
FXPrimaryButton.hDefines a primary button within a dialog
FXProcess.hDefines classes used in using processes
FXPtrHold.hDefines a stack allocated auto pointer
FXPython.hDefines things used in embedding python and providing support
FXRefedObject.hDefines classes useful for implementing handles to objects
FXRollback.hDefines classes used in rolling back operations when an error occurs
FXSecure.hDefines things used in providing secure data transport
FXStream.hDefines classes used in formatting data for i/o
FXString.hDefines a string object
FXTime.hDefines classes used in working with time
FXWinLinks.hDefines classes used in manipulating Windows Links
QBlkSocket.hDefines classes used to provide a portable network socket
QBuffer.hDefines classes used for accessing memory like a file
QBZip2Device.hDefines classes used in translating .bz2 files
qcache.hDefines an implementation of Qt's QCache
QChildProcess.hDefines classes used to access a child process
qcstring.hDefines a thunk of Qt's QByteArray to the STL
qdict.hDefines an implementation of Qt's QDict
qdictbase.hDefines classes used in implementing QTL dictionary classes
QDir.hDefines classes used to detail a directory entry
QFile.hDefines items and classes used for accessing files
QFileInfo.hDefines classes used to detail a file entry
QGZipDevice.hDefines classes used in translating .gz files
QHostAddress.hDefines classes used to provide an IP address
qint64dict.hDefines a QIntDict with 64 bit keys
qintcache.hDefines an implementation of Qt's QIntCache
qintdict.hDefines an implementation of Qt's QIntDict
QIODevice.hDefines classes and values used for i/o
QIODeviceS.hDefines classes and values used for synchronous i/o
QLocalPipe.hDefines classes used to provide a process local pipe
qmemarray.hDefines a thunk of Qt's QMemArray to the STL
QMemMap.hDefines classes used to access mapped memory
QPipe.hDefines classes used to provide a portable named pipe
qptrdict.hDefines an implementation of Qt's QPtrDict
qptrlist.hDefines a thunk of Qt's QPtrList to the STL
qptrvector.hDefines a thunk of Qt's QPtrVector to the STL
qsortedlist.hDefines classes which provide sorted lists with a binary search
QSSLDevice.hDefines things used in providing secure data transport
qstringlist.hDefines a thunk of Qt's QStringList to the STL
QThread.hDefines classes used in implementation of threads
QTrans.hDefines classes and items used for human language translation
qvaluelist.hDefines a thunk of Qt's QValueList to the STL
TnFOXDocs.hA null header file containing ancillory TnFOX documentation only
TnFXApp.hDefines the main TnFOX application object
TnFXGraph.hDefines classes used to draw graphs
TnFXSQLDB.hDefines classes used to work with SQL databases
TnFXSQLDB_ipc.hDefines classes used to access databases over a FX::FXIPCChannel
TnFXSQLDB_sqlite3.hDefines classes used to work with SQLite3 databases
TnFXVTKCanvas.hDefines classes used to work with the Visualisation Toolkit (VTK)

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 22:30:30 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6