QThread.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Defines classes used in implementation of threads.

#include "FXProcess.h"

Include dependency graph for QThread.h:

This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


namespace  FX
namespace  FX::Generic


class  FX::FXAtomicInt
 Provides portable interlocked increment, decrement and exchange. More...
class  FX::QShrdMemMutex
 A very lightweight mutex object to synchronise access to shared memory regions. More...
class  FX::QMutex
 A MUTual EXclusion object to synchronise threads accessing the same data (Qt compatible). More...
class  FX::QWaitCondition
 An OS/2 style event object (Qt compatible). More...
class  FX::QRWMutex
 A mutex object permitting multiple reads simultaneously. More...
class  FX::QMtxHold
 Helper class for using mutexes. More...
struct  FX::Generic::lockedAccessor< type >
 Holds a lock after a function exits. More...
class  FX::FXZeroedWait
 A zero activated wait condition. More...
class  FX::QThreadLocalStorage< type >
 Permits process-global storage local to a thread only. More...
class  FX::QThread
 The base class for all threads in FOX (Qt compatible). More...
class  FX::QThread_DTHold
 Wraps thread termination disables in an exception-proof fashion. More...
class  FX::QThread_DisableSignals
 Disables signals in an exception-proof fashion. More...
class  FX::QThreadPool
 Provides a pool of worker threads. More...



(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 21:55:13 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6