FXIPC.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Defines classes used in providing inter-process communication.

#include "FXException.h"
#include "QThread.h"
#include "FXStream.h"

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namespace  FX


struct  FX::FXIPCMsg
 A base IPC message. More...
struct  FX::FXIPCMsgHolder
 Strawman type for containers of FX::FXIPCMsg. More...
class  FX::FXIPCMsgRegistry
 A registry of known IPC messages for a particular IPC channel. More...
class  FX::FXIPCMsgChunk< msgtypelist >
 A chunk within an IPC message registry. More...
struct  FX::FXIPCMsgRegister< codealloc, msgtype >
 Actual implementation of registering a message with the registry. More...
struct  FX::FXIPCMsg_Disconnect
 Received when the other end of the IPC channel disconnects. More...
struct  FX::FXIPCMsg_Unhandled
 Received when a message with an ack was not handled. More...
struct  FX::FXIPCMsg_ErrorOccurred
 Received when an exception was thrown by the other end of the IPC channel. More...
class  FX::FXIPCChannel
 Base class for an IPC channel over an arbitrary FX::QIODeviceS. More...
class  FX::FXIPCChannelIndirector
 Base class indirecting messages to be sent over a subclass of a FX::FXIPCChannel. More...


typedef FXIPCMsgChunkCodeAlloc
< 0, true > 
typedef FXIPCMsgChunk
< Generic::TL::create
< FXIPCMsg_Disconnect::regtype,
FXIPCMsg_ErrorOccurred::regtype >
::value > 

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 21:54:49 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6