FX::FXPython Class Reference
[Python Support]

#include <FXPython.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Miscellaneous Python facilities.

Apart from some minor static information functions and the ability to run embedded pieces of python, the major functionality of this class is solving the "setting python sort functions" problem. Using the static member of this class setSortFunc() you can set an arbitrary python function as the sort function for all of the TnFOX GUI classes using them.

Default implementations are provided for FX::FXListSortFunc, FX::FXFoldingListSortFunc, FX::FXIconListSortFunc, FX::TreeListSortFunc and FX::FXZSortFunc. You can set a maximum of 8 process-wide python sorting functions for each (adjustable by a compile-time constant).

See also:

Static Public Member Functions

static FXString interpreterPath ()
static FXString version ()
static FXString platform ()
static FXString programName ()
static void setProgramName (const FXString &name)
static void setArgv (int argc, char **argv)
static boost::python::handle globals ()
static boost::python::handle execute (const FXString &code, boost::python::handle<> context=globals())
static boost::python::handle evaluate (const FXString &code, boost::python::handle<> context=globals())
static void setFXComboBoxSortFunc (FXComboBox &list, boost::python::api::object *code)
static void setFXFoldingListSortFunc (FXFoldingList &list, boost::python::api::object *code)
static void setFXGLViewerSortFunc (FXGLViewer &list, boost::python::api::object *code)
static void setFXIconListSortFunc (FXIconList &list, boost::python::api::object *code)
static void setFXListSortFunc (FXList &list, boost::python::api::object *code)
static void setFXListBoxSortFunc (FXListBox &list, boost::python::api::object *code)
static void setFXTreeListSortFunc (FXTreeList &list, boost::python::api::object *code)
static void setFXTreeListBoxSortFunc (FXTreeListBox &list, boost::python::api::object *code)
static void int_throwPythonException ()
static void int_initEmbeddedEnv ()
static void int_runPythonThread (PyObject *self, QThread *cthread)
static void int_pythonObjectCreated (Generic::BoundFunctorV *detach)
static void int_pythonObjectDeleted (Generic::BoundFunctorV *detach)
static bool int_FXObjectHandle (long *ret, FXObject *self, FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)

Member Function Documentation

static FXString FX::FXPython::interpreterPath (  )  [static]

Returns the absolute path of the python interpreter.

static FXString FX::FXPython::version (  )  [static]

Returns the version of the interpreter (same as sys.version).

static FXString FX::FXPython::platform (  )  [static]

Returns the current platform according to python (same as sys.platform).

static FXString FX::FXPython::programName (  )  [static]

Returns the name of the program as python thinks it is.

static void FX::FXPython::setProgramName ( const FXString name  )  [static]

Sets the name of the program as python thinks it is. Normally done for you if you created python.

static void FX::FXPython::setArgv ( int  argc,
char **  argv 
) [static]

Sets the process arguments for python. Normally done for you if you created python. Normally, you'll want argv[0] to be a null string - see the docs for PySys_SetArgv().

static boost::python::handle FX::FXPython::globals (  )  [static]

Returns a handle to the dictionary globals() within __main__.

static boost::python::handle FX::FXPython::execute ( const FXString code,
boost::python::handle<>  context = globals() 
) [static]

Executes the specified piece of code within the specified context (ie; globals()) which can contain multiple lines (separate with \n), returning whatever the code returns. Ensure that an interpreter context has been set beforehand using FX::FXPythonInterp::setContext()

static boost::python::handle FX::FXPython::evaluate ( const FXString code,
boost::python::handle<>  context = globals() 
) [static]

Evaluates the specified python expression, returning the result. Ensure that an interpreter context has been set beforehand using FX::FXPythonInterp::setContext()

static void FX::FXPython::setFXComboBoxSortFunc ( FXComboBox list,
boost::python::api::object *  code 
) [static]

Sets a C++ callable sorting function for python function code.

static void FX::FXPython::setFXFoldingListSortFunc ( FXFoldingList list,
boost::python::api::object *  code 
) [static]

Sets a C++ callable sorting function for python function code.

static void FX::FXPython::setFXGLViewerSortFunc ( FXGLViewer list,
boost::python::api::object *  code 
) [static]

Sets a C++ callable sorting function for python function code.

static void FX::FXPython::setFXIconListSortFunc ( FXIconList list,
boost::python::api::object *  code 
) [static]

Sets a C++ callable sorting function for python function code.

static void FX::FXPython::setFXListSortFunc ( FXList list,
boost::python::api::object *  code 
) [static]

Sets a C++ callable sorting function for python function code.

static void FX::FXPython::setFXListBoxSortFunc ( FXListBox list,
boost::python::api::object *  code 
) [static]

Sets a C++ callable sorting function for python function code.

static void FX::FXPython::setFXTreeListSortFunc ( FXTreeList list,
boost::python::api::object *  code 
) [static]

Sets a C++ callable sorting function for python function code.

static void FX::FXPython::setFXTreeListBoxSortFunc ( FXTreeListBox list,
boost::python::api::object *  code 
) [static]

Sets a C++ callable sorting function for python function code.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 21:56:41 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6