[Generic Tools in TnFOX]

Collaboration diagram for Typelists:

Detailed Description

Provides a list of types at compile-time.

Typelists are the core fundamental base upon which all complex metaprogramming rests. While their use isn't mandatory, a whole pile of things become way, way easier if you have them. Much of the TnFOX generic tools library uses typelists to implement itself.

There's not much to say except that like with all other code in the generic tools library, value is always the value where applicable. TL::item is an item in the list though TL::item is also the list itself (due to the recursive nature of typelist definitions). The method naming follows the same style at the QTL, including semantics.


typedef TL::create<char, short, int>::value Ints;
template<typename type> Handler
    static const bool typeIsInt=TL::find<Ints, type>::value>=0 };
A very powerful tool is FX::Generic::TL::instantiateH which couples with the instance() function below.


namespace  TL


struct  FX::Generic::TL::item< A, B >
 A single item within the list. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::create< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16 >
 Creates a typelist with up to 16 types. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::length< typelist >
 Determines the length of a typelist. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::at< typelist, idx >
 Returns the type at index idx, returning NullType if out of bounds. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::atC< typelist, idx >
 Returns the type at index idx, throwing an error if out of bounds. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::find< typelist, type >
 Returns the index of the specified type in the list or -1 if not found. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::findC< typelist, type >
 Returns the index of the specified type in the list, throwing an error if not found. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::findParent< typelist, type >
 Returns the index of the first parent class of the specified type in the list or -1 if not found. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::findParentC< typelist, type >
 Returns the index of the specified type in the list, throwing an error if not found. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::append< typelist, type >
 Appends a type or typelist. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::remove< typelist, type >
 Removes a type from a list. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::numberRange< no, instance >
 Creates a typelist composed of types instantiated by a number running from 0 to no. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::apply< typelist, instance >
 Applies each type in a typelist to the template instance, returning a typelist. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::filter< typelist, filt >
 Reduces from a typelist to another based on a binary predicate. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::replicate< no, type >
 Generates a typelist of no copies of a type. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::instanceHolderH< type >
 Default holder for instanceH. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::instantiateH< typelist, instance, idx >
 Horizontally instantiates a container containing a holder for each item in a typelist. More...
struct  FX::Generic::TL::dynamicAt< typelist, instance >
 Assembles code to call some templated code with the type from a typelist. More...


template<int i, class container>
Private::accessInstantiateH< i,
container >::IdxType & 
FX::Generic::TL::instance (container &c)

Function Documentation

template<int i, class container>
Private::accessInstantiateH<i, container>::IdxType& FX::Generic::TL::instance ( container &  c  )  [inline]

Helper function for disambiguating instanced members of an instantiated typelist. Simply specify the original index of the type within the list to access. Remember it returns a reference to the instance template parameter to instantiateH.

Referenced by FX::TnFXApp::instance(), FX::FXEventLoop_Static< type >::operator type *(), FX::FXEventLoop_Static< type >::operator->(), FX::FXEventLoop_Static< type >::operator=(), FX::Generic::DoUndo< FX::QThread, void(QThread::*)(), void(QThread::*)()>::redo(), and FX::Generic::DoUndo< FX::QThread, void(QThread::*)(), void(QThread::*)()>::undo().

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 21:55:18 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6