Generic Tools in TnFOX

Collaboration diagram for Generic Tools in TnFOX:

Detailed Description

I failed a job interview at Trolltech for not knowing anything about compile-time introspection in C++, so you can bet your arse it was the first thing I set about fixing. And within a few hours of surfing the web and reading about it, I was hooked!

What I think especially impressed me was Andrei Alexandrescu's article on improving copies. I like most programmers had thought this was a done deal and we'd got as good as we got - but as I'm really an assembler programmer at heart, I knew C++ was very suboptimal especially with regard to temporaries. From that point onwards I resolved to learn this skill.

The generic tools provided by FXGenericTools.h provide the following facilities:


Unfortunately, these come with a price - you will need a compiler supporting partial template specialisation plus Koenig lookup. That means MSVC7.1 or higher and GCC v3.4 or higher - with other compilers, your milage may vary. I've heard Intel's C++ compiler v7.x works fine too. If your compiler is not up to scratch, I did design the generic tools to be redirectable to a much more comprehensive library eg; Boost (

Speaking of Boost, TnFOX's compile-time metaprogramming tools are only fairly comprehensive. I've aimed merely to provide the most common and useful facilities which can do 95% of day to day stuff. If you want to do anything more complicated than this, I strongly recommend Boost which should be able to convert TnFOX's typelists to its own pretty easily.

For lots more on compile-time metaprogramming (especially if you want to learn it), please consult the book "Modern C++ Design" by Andrei Alexandrescu.


namespace  Generic


 Class Traits


struct  FX::Generic::NullType
 A type representing no type (ie; end of list etc). More...
struct  FX::Generic::IntToType< n >
 A small template which maps any int to a type (and thus allows number-based overloading and type specialisation - and thus compile-time determined code generation). More...
struct  FX::Generic::TypeToType< type >
 A small template which maps any type to a lightweight type suitable for overloading eg; functions. More...
struct  FX::Generic::Boolean< v, type >
 A small template whose value is v. Useful for delayed static assertions. More...
struct  FX::Generic::select< v, A, B >
 Selects one of two types based upon a boolean. More...
struct  FX::Generic::sameType< A, B >
 Returns true if the two types are the same. More...
struct  FX::Generic::addRef< type >
 Adds a reference indirection unless type already has one. More...
struct  FX::Generic::addConstRef< type >
 Ensures a type is a const reference. More...
struct  FX::Generic::convertible< to, from >
 Returns true if from can become to. More...
struct  FX::Generic::lessIndir< ptr >
 Removes if possible a level of indirection from a pointer or reference type. More...
struct  FX::Generic::indirs< type >
 Returns how many levels of indirection this type has eg; int ** is two. More...
struct  FX::Generic::leastIndir< ptr >
 Removes all levels of indirection from a pointer or reference type. More...
struct  FX::Generic::typeInfo< type >
 Enhanced version of std::type_info. More...
class  FX::Generic::ptr< type, ownershipPolicy >
 A policy-based smart pointer. More...
struct  FX::Generic::FnInfo< fn >
 Extracts type information from a function pointer type. More...
struct  FX::Generic::FnFromList< list >
 Converts a typelist into a function pointer type. More...
struct  FX::Generic::IntegralLists
 A series of typelists of kinds of integral type. More...
struct  FX::Generic::BiggestValue< type, minus >
 Returns the biggest positive or negative value which can be stored in an integral type. More...
struct  FX::Generic::SmallestValue< type, minus >
 Returns the smallest positive or negative value which can be stored in an integral type. More...
class  FX::Generic::Traits< type >
 Determines qualities of a type via introspection. More...
class  FX::Generic::Functor< parslist >
 Represents a callable API. More...
class  FX::Generic::BoundFunctorV
 A call to a specific API with specific arguments, throwing away the return. More...
class  FX::Generic::BoundFunctor< parslist >
 A call to a specific API with specific arguments. More...
struct  FX::Generic::MapBools< len >
 Mapper of C++ bools to a bitfield. More...
class  FX::Generic::DoUndo< obj, doaddr, undoaddr >
 Performs an action on construction and another action on destruction. More...
struct  FX::Generic::hasSerialise< type >
 Determines if a FXStream operator<< exists for the specified type. More...
struct  FX::Generic::hasDeserialise< type >
 Determines if a FXStream operator>> exists for the specified type. More...


#define FXSTATIC_ASSERT(expr, msg)


BoundFunctor FX::Generic::BindFunctor (FX::Generic::Functor &functor[, par1[, par2...]])
BoundFunctor * FX::Generic::BindFunctorN (FX::Generic::Functor &functor[, par1[, par2...]])
BoundFunctor FX::Generic::BindFunc (functptr[, par1[, par2...]])
BoundFunctor FX::Generic::BindFuncN (functptr[, par1[, par2...]])
BoundFunctor FX::Generic::BindObj (obj &, memfunctptr[, par1[, par2...]])
BoundFunctor FX::Generic::BindObjN (obj &, memfunctptr[, par1[, par2...]])

Define Documentation

#define FXSTATIC_ASSERT ( expr,
msg   ) 

A macro which provides compile-time assertion tests, causing the compiler to issue a useful message msg if the assertion fails. The message must be a legal C++ identifier though it can start with a number. You also must place it somewhere where code can be compiled as it relies on a scope to remove a temporarily created variable (which is optimised away on release builds). If you want it without the scope (eg; as a member variable) use FXSTATIC_ASSERT2().

On C++0x compilers, this uses the new static_assert() feature.

Referenced by FX::FXIPCChannel::invokeMsgHandler(), FX::FXIPCChannelIndirector::sendMsg(), FX::FXIPCChannel::sendMsg(), and FX::TnFXSQLDB::toSQL92Type().

Function Documentation

BoundFunctor FX::Generic::BindFunctor ( FX::Generic::Functor &functor]  [, par1[, par2...]  ) 

Binds a functor to a set of parameters and returns the binding

BoundFunctor* FX::Generic::BindFunctorN ( FX::Generic::Functor &functor]  [, par1[, par2...]  ) 

Binds a functor to a set of parameters and returns the binding as a newed pointer

BoundFunctor FX::Generic::BindFunc ( functptr]  [, par1[, par2...]  ) 

Binds a function to a set of parameters and returns the binding

BoundFunctor FX::Generic::BindFuncN ( functptr]  [, par1[, par2...]  ) 

Binds a function to a set of parameters and returns the binding as a newed pointer

BoundFunctor FX::Generic::BindObj ( obj &  ,
memfunctptr]  [, par1[, par2...] 

Binds a member function of a specific object to a set of parameters and returns the binding

BoundFunctor FX::Generic::BindObjN ( obj &  ,
memfunctptr]  [, par1[, par2...] 

Binds a member function of a specific object to a set of parameters and returns the binding as a newed pointer

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 21:55:20 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6