Operational classes
[Categorised list of TnFOX classes]

Collaboration diagram for Operational classes:
  1. FX::FXAccelTable, maps key combinations to targets & messages
  2. FX::FXCommand, a command and undoable action
  3. FX::FXCommandGroup, a group of FX::FXCommand
  4. FX::FXComposeContext, used to permit use of input methods
  5. FX::FXMenuCommand, a command in a menu
  6. FX::FXUndoList, a list of undoable actions

  7. FX::FXDataTarget & FX::FXDataTargetI, a messaging target directly managing the value of a variable eg; numbers, colours, strings etc.
  8. FX::FXDebugTarget, a messaging target which prints out every message it receives.
  9. FX::FXDelegator, a messaging target which forwards to another target. Useful for connecting many things to and you can change all their connections with one change.
  10. FX::FXFunctorTarget, a messaging target calling a FX::Generic::Functor
  11. FX::FXObject, the base class for all FOX objects which can receive messages
  12. FX::FXMetaClass, contains information about a FX::FXObject

  13. FX::FXDCWindow, allows drawing graphics output into a FX::FXDrawable
  14. FX::FXDCPrint, allows drawing graphics output in Postscript format (suitable for a printer)
  15. FX::FXPrinter, describes a printer

  16. FX::FXEvent, an event within the GUI
  17. FX::FXEventLoop, the base class of an event dispatch loop
  18. FX::FXEventLoop_Static, a per-event loop static variable

  19. FX::FXDate, a gregorian date container
  20. FX::FXTime, microsecond accurate locale-capable time

  21. FX::FXRex, regular expression support
  22. FX::FXExpression, mathematical expression parser

  23. FX::FXACL, an access control list for a securable entity
  24. FX::FXACLEntity, an entity who can have permissions set for them
  25. FX::FXSSLKey, a symmetric encryption key
  26. FX::FXSSLPKey, an asymmetric encryption key (public/private pair)

  27. FX::FXException, an error within TnFOX
  28. FX::FXMemoryPool, a pool of dynamically allocable memory
  29. FX::FXProcess, provides assorted information about the running process
  30. FX::FXRegistry, either the Windows or FOX registry
  31. FX::FXStream, endian-neutral data (de)serialiser
  32. FX::QTrans, automatic human language translation

  33. FX::FXIPCChannel, an inter process communication channel
  34. FX::FXIPCMsg, an inter process communication message
  35. FX::FXIPCMsgChunk, an inter process message block
  36. FX::FXIPCMsgRegistry, an inter process message namespace

  37. FX::QDir, provides detailed information about a directory
  38. FX::FXFileAssoc, registers information about a file extension (eg; icon, MIME type)
  39. FX::QFileInfo, provides detailed information about a file
  40. FX::FXFSMonitor, monitors a path for changes

  41. FX::QHostAddress, an IPv4 or IPv6 address
  42. FX::FXNetwork, miscellaneous networking facilities such as name lookups

  43. FX::QThread, a thread of execution
  44. FX::QMutex, a mutual exclusion object
  45. FX::QMtxHold, a holder of a FX::QMutex
  46. FX::QWaitCondition, an OS/2 style event object
  47. FX::FXZeroedWait, an event which signals when its count becomes zero
  48. FX::QThreadPool, a pool of worker threads

  49. FX::TnFXSQLDB, a generic SQL database accessor
  50. FX::TnFXSQLDB_sqlite3, a driver for SQLite3 databases

  51. FX::QBZip2Device, accesses bzip2 compressed files
  52. FX::QGZipDevice, accesses zlib compressed files

  53. FX::FXPython, miscellaneous python-related facilities
  54. FX::FXPythonInterp, a python interpreter instance
  55. FX::FXPythonException, an error caused by executing python code
  56. FX::FXCodeToPythonCode, provides dynamic unique C++ code points

  57. FX::FXWinShellLink, a portable reader & writer of Windows Shell link files
  58. FX::FXWinJunctionPoint, a portable reader & writer of NTFS junction points

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 21:55:21 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6