FX::TnFXApp, the per-process application object
FX::FXEventLoop, the per-thread event dispatcher
FX::FXTopWindow, a top-level user interface window
One of many dialog boxes based on FX::FXDialogBox listed below
FX::FXMainWindow, a main window in your application
FX::FXSplashWindow, a temporary window shown during startup of your application
FX::FXToolBarShell, contains a number of toolbar items (see operational below)
FX::FXMenuPane, a popup menu window hovering above all others
FX::FX7Segment, displays a number as a digital display
FX::FXBitmapFrame, displays a third-party bitmap
FX::FXBitmapView, displays a third-party bitmap in a scrollable box
FX::FXCanvas, displays an image drawn into by other code
FX::FXImageFrame, displays a third-party image
FX::FXImageView, displays a third-party image in a scrollable box
FX::FXLabel, displays some text and/or an icon
FX::FXProgressBar, displays a percentage via a completion bar
FX::FXRuler, displays a ruler showing distance
FX::FXStatusBar, a bar displaying a status message
FX::FXStatusLine, displays a status message
FX::FXToolTip, a floating yellow box showing the user something useful
FX::FXIconList, a list of icons with optional captions
FX::FXFoldingList, a collapsable list of items
FX::FXList, a list of items
FX::FXTable, a spreadsheet-like table which can be optionally edited
FX::FXTreeList, a list of items organised in a tree
FX::FXDirList, a list of directories
FX::FXFileList, a list of files
FX::FXButton, a pressable button containing some text and/or an icon
FX::FXArrowButton, a button containing an arrow
FX::FXCheckButton, a tri-state button (on, off, and neither)
FX::FXPrimaryButton, a master button in a dialog
FX::FXDockSite, a place where toolbars and such can be docked
FX::FXMenuBar, a menu bar at the top of a top-level window
FX::FXMenuButton, a button opening a popup menu
FX::FXMenuCaption, an item in a menu
FX::FXMenuCheck, a tick item in a menu
FX::FXMenuRadio, a radio item in a menu
FX::FXMenuSeparator, a separator line in a menu
FX::FXMenuTitle, a submenu within a menu bar
FX::FXOption, a button opening an option menu
FX::FXPopup, base class for a window which appears only temporarily
FX::FXScrollArea, a region which adds scroll bars if needed
FX::FXScrollBar, a scroll bar
FX::FXScrollCorner, a corner between scroll bars
FX::FXScrollWindow, a window with scroll bars
FX::FXSeparator, a separator line
FX::FXHorizontalSeparator, a horizontal separator line
FX::FXVerticalSeparator, a vertical separator line
FX::FXShutter, an animated chooser of other widgets
FX::FXToggleButton, a two-state on/off toggle button
FX::FXToolBarGrip, the thing the user redocks a toolbar with
FX::FXToolBarShell, an undocked toolbar
FX::FXToolBarTab, a pressable item which toggles its sibling widget's appearance
FX::FXTriStateButton, like a FX::FXToggleButton but can have three states
FX::FXMDIClient, filters messages for MDI child windows
FX::FXMDIMenu, MDI child window menu
FX::FXTextField, edits one line of text
FX::FXText, edits multiple lines of text
FX::FXMenuPane, a popup list of selectable menu options
FX::FXChoiceBox, chooses an option from a drop-down dialog box
FX::FXComboBox, chooses from a drop down menu
FX::FXDial, chooses a number by rotation of a dial
FX::FXFontSelector, chooses a font
FX::FXKnob, chooses a number via a rotatable knob
FX::FXListBox, chooses from a drop down list
FX::FXOptionMenu, chooses from a drop down menu of options
FX::FXPicker, chooses an arbitrary location on the screen
FX::FXSpinner, chooses an integer number
FX::FXRealSpinner, chooses a floating point number
FX::FXSlider, chooses a number by movement of a slider
FX::FXRealSlider, chooses a floating point number by movement of a slider
FX::FXTreeListBox, chooses from a tree organised drop down list
FX::FXColorSelector, chooses a colour
FX::FXColorList, chooses a colour from a list
FX::FXColorRing, chooses a colour using an intuitive ring & triangle device
FX::FXColorBar, chooses by slider a colour by HSV
FX::FXColorWell, chooses from a list of settable colours
FX::FXColorWheel, chooses a colour by HSV from a disc
FX::FXGradientBar, chooses the gradient of a colour
FX::FXDirBox, chooses from a tree organised list of directories
FX::FXDirSelector, chooses a directory
FX::FXDriveBox, chooses from a list of drives
FX::FXFileSelector, chooses a file
FX::FXDialogBox, base class for all FOX dialogs
FX::FXHandedDialog, base class for all TnFOX dialogs
FX::FXColorDialog, asks the user for a colour
FX::FXDirDialog, asks the user for a directory
FX::FXExceptionDialog, reports an FX::FXException to the user
FX::FXFileDialog, asks the user for a file
FX::FXFontDialog, asks the user for a font
FX::FXHandedMsgBox, reports a message to the user
FX::FXInputDialog, asks the user for a simple value
FX::FXMessageBox, reports a simple message to the user
FX::FXPrintDialog, asks the user for a printer
FX::FXProgressDialog, reports the progress of an operation to the user
FX::FXWizard, takes the user through a sequence of steps.
FX::FXReplaceDialog, asks the user for text to replace
FX::FXSearchDialog, asks the user for text to search for
(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 21:55:20 2008 for TnFOX by