FX::FXThread Class Reference

#include <FXThread.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

FXThread provides system-independent support for threads. Subclasses must implement the run() function do implement the desired functionality of the thread. The storage of the FXThread object is to be managed by the calling thread, not by the thread itself.

Public Member Functions

 FXThread ()
FXThreadID id () const
FXbool running () const
FXbool start (unsigned long stacksize=0)
FXbool join ()
FXbool join (FXint &code)
FXbool cancel ()
FXbool detach ()
void priority (FXint prio)
FXint priority ()
virtual ~FXThread ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void exit (FXint code=0)
static void yield ()
static FXlong time ()
static void sleep (FXlong nsec)
static void wakeat (FXlong nsec)
static FXThreadself ()
static FXThreadID current ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual FXint run ()=0


class QThreadFXThread

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FX::FXThread::FXThread (  ) 

Initialize thread object.

virtual FX::FXThread::~FXThread (  )  [virtual]

Destroy the thread immediately, running or not. It is probably better to wait until it is finished, in case the thread currently holds mutexes.

Member Function Documentation

virtual FXint FX::FXThread::run (  )  [protected, pure virtual]

All threads execute by deriving the run method of FXThread. If an uncaught exception was thrown, this function returns -1.

FXThreadID FX::FXThread::id (  )  const

Return handle of this thread object. This handle is valid in the context of the thread which called start().

FXbool FX::FXThread::running (  )  const

Return TRUE if this thread is running.

FXbool FX::FXThread::start ( unsigned long  stacksize = 0  ) 

Start thread; the thread is started as attached. The thread is given stacksize for its stack; a value of zero for stacksize will give it the default stack size.

FXbool FX::FXThread::join (  ) 

Suspend calling thread until thread is done.

FXbool FX::FXThread::join ( FXint &  code  ) 

Suspend calling thread until thread is done, and set code to the return value of run() or the argument passed into exit(). If an exception happened in the thread, return -1.

FXbool FX::FXThread::cancel (  ) 

Cancel the thread, stopping it immediately, running or not. If the calling thread is this thread, nothing happens. It is probably better to wait until it is finished, in case the thread currently holds mutexes.

FXbool FX::FXThread::detach (  ) 

Detach thread, so that a no join() is necessary to harvest the resources of this thread.

static void FX::FXThread::exit ( FXint  code = 0  )  [static]

Exit the calling thread. No destructors are invoked for objects on thread's stack; to invoke destructors, throw an exception instead.

static void FX::FXThread::yield (  )  [static]

Make the thread yield its time quantum.

static FXlong FX::FXThread::time (  )  [static]

Return time in nanoseconds since Epoch (Jan 1, 1970).

static void FX::FXThread::sleep ( FXlong  nsec  )  [static]

Make the calling thread sleep for a number of nanoseconds.

static void FX::FXThread::wakeat ( FXlong  nsec  )  [static]

Wake at appointed time specified in nanoseconds since Epoch.

static FXThread* FX::FXThread::self (  )  [static]

Return pointer to the FXThread instance associated with the calling thread; it returns NULL for the main thread and all threads not created by FOX.

static FXThreadID FX::FXThread::current (  )  [static]

Return thread id of calling thread.

void FX::FXThread::priority ( FXint  prio  ) 

Set thread priority.

FXint FX::FXThread::priority (  ) 

Return thread priority.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 22:21:18 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6