Windows-specific notes

This covers Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista, both 32 bit and 64 bit editions. Windows 95, 98 and ME are not supported due to insufficient host OS facilities. Windows NT should be mostly compatible - though there are quite a few unsupported calls.

Note that the default binaries of v0.88 of TnFOX on Windows incorporated into itself the following libraries:

Supported configuration:


MSVC6 is not supported, nor is MSVC7.0 (Visual Studio .NET). You need MSVC7.1 minimum (Visual Studio .NET 2003) and MSVC8 as well as MSVC9 work well. GCC v3.2.2 to v4.3 is known to compile working binaries on Linux but is untested on Windows. The Digital Mars compiler wasn't up to the job last summer 2004. Intel's C++ compiler v8 for Windows works fine, though its config is very out of date nowadays.


The only official compiler supporting x64 is MSVC8 (Visual Studio 2005) and MSVC9 so this is what I describe. You can make it work with beta compilers from the Platform SDK, but you NEED at least the MSVC7.1 STL (rather than the MSVC6 STL which comes with those test compilers) which is hard to get. Chances are that Intel's C++ compiler as well as GCC should produce working x64 code.

The Quick & Easy method

  1. Unpack the TnFOX distribution somewhere and add desired third party libraries (see below). Modify as desired - note that by default, will detect whether your command box is a 32 bit or 64 bit binary and will build for that unless specifically overridden.
  2. Install a recent Python (
  3. Install a recent SCons (
  4. Make sure the PATH environment variable points at the python directory such that you can run scons from within a command box. Try the My Computer=>Properties=>Advanced=>Environment Variables.
  5. For MSVC8 and later, there will be Start Menu options under Visual Studio Tools which set up a command box for either the x86 or x64 toolset (eg; Visual Studio 2008 x64 Win64 Command Prompt).
  6. Type scons msvcproj which will auto-detect your MSVC installation and generate suitable MSVC project files which will invoke scons for you.
As both FOX and TnFOX use very low-level and old API's in Windows, no libraries above those supplied by default with the system are required. It is recommended you have the latest service pack installed however.

Directory configuration:

TnFOX demands a rather special configuration of the directories around it on Windows. As there's no system-provided place for header files and such to live, the SConstruct file manually looks in the directory in which the TnFOX directory is placed for the Boost library and the OpenSSL library. The standard system-provided libraries on Unix must be placed in the TnFOX/windows directory - these include the ZLib library (as zlib), the graphics libraries for JPEG (as libjpeg), PNG (as libpng), TIFF (as libtiff) and BZip2 (as libbzip2). In all cases any version information is not used so openssl-0.9.8 must be renamed to simply "openssl". Note that all libraries are linked in statically so don't go building DLL versions! (eg; use nt.mak instead of ntdll.mak when building OpenSSL). If this seems like hassle, once you've done it you can forget about it thereafter.

If any library cannot be found, support for it is disabled automatically. You should bear in mind that after compiling using the enclosed project files where necessary, you should move the library to the root of its project and append either a 32 or 64 to the filename as appropriate so that scons can find the correct one.

The standard Windows dynamic memory allocator:

TnFOX replaces the standard Windows dynamic memory allocator provided by MSVC's CRT library (really a thin wrapper around the Win32/64 HeapCreate() family) with its own based on FX::FXMemoryPool when the build mode is release. This is done because quite frankly, the Win32 standard allocator is crap - especially on systems with more than one processor. Admittedly it's nothing like as crap as the allocators used to be on older MSVC's (especially the famous one where realloc() in the debug library corrupted your memory), but when compared to ptmalloc2 (the glibc standard allocator) it sucks major monkey balls.

Since v0.80, the allocator is replaced within any DLL or EXE which includes a TnFOX header file. This comes with certain caveats, see the documentation for that particular feature

Release builds:

I've incorporated a stack backtracer into FX::FXException which decodes the stack at the point of exception so that it can be reported to the user in order to locate precisely what was calling what when the exception occurred. This depends on having debug symbols available to it, so the build process is slightly more complicated - when building, you enable Line number debug info only with full optimisation enabled. This produces a relatively small PDB file with no more than what FXException requires.

All DLL's are prebound for during the build process to speed loading times plus I made a number of lesser used DLL's for Win32 release builds delay loaded (ie; loaded only when they are first needed). This should lower both load times (I've set a custom load address too) and run-time memory usage for the majority of cases. Note that prebinding only speeds loading when loading onto your local system (your application's installer should do this).

TnFOX is able to use >2Gb address spaces and so has the IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE bit set in its executable header. You should set the same bit in your applications if you are also able to handle such addresses (ie; you don't use signed pointer comparisons). While you never see the advantage of this on most 32 bit Windows, you do when running in an emulated 32 bit environment on Windows x64. You can produce binaries customised for your processor by adjusting the file.

TnFOX is also no-execute compatible, meaning that its stacks can be marked as no-execute. This is specified to the MSVC linker (where supported) using the /NXCOMPAT switch.

The only thing remaining which shall be fixed later is working set optimisation (WSO) which I can't do until I have a serious client application for TnFOX to profile against. But don't worry, it'll come!

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 21:55:17 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6