FX::FXRectangle Member List

This is the complete list of members for FX::FXRectangle, including all inherited members.

bl() const (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
br() const (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
contains(const FXPoint &p) const FX::FXRectangle [inline]
contains(FXshort xx, FXshort yy) const (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
contains(const FXRectangle &r) const FX::FXRectangle [inline]
empty() const FX::FXRectangle [inline]
FXRectangle()FX::FXRectangle [inline]
FXRectangle(FXshort xx, FXshort yy, FXshort ww, FXshort hh) (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
FXRectangle(const FXPoint &p, const FXSize &s) (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
FXRectangle(const FXPoint &topleft, const FXPoint &bottomright) (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
grow(FXshort margin)FX::FXRectangle
grow(FXshort hormargin, FXshort vermargin) (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle
grow(FXshort leftmargin, FXshort rightmargin, FXshort topmargin, FXshort bottommargin) (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle
h (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle
move(const FXPoint &p)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
move(FXshort dx, FXshort dy) (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
operator!() const FX::FXRectangle [inline]
operator!=(const FXRectangle &r) const (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
operator*(const FXRectangle &r) const (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle
operator*=(const FXRectangle &r) (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle
operator+(const FXRectangle &r) const FX::FXRectangle
operator+=(const FXRectangle &r)FX::FXRectangle
operator<(const FXRectangle &r) const FX::FXRectangle [inline]
operator<<(FXStream &store, const FXRectangle &r)FX::FXRectangle [friend]
operator=(const FXRectangle &r)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
operator==(const FXRectangle &r) const FX::FXRectangle [inline]
operator>(const FXRectangle &r) const (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
operator>>(FXStream &store, FXRectangle &r)FX::FXRectangle [friend]
overlap(const FXRectangle &a, const FXRectangle &b)FX::FXRectangle [friend]
set(const FXRectangle &r)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
set(const FXPoint &p, const FXSize &s)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
set(const FXPoint &topleft, const FXPoint &bottomright)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
set(FXshort xx, FXshort yy, FXshort ww, FXshort hh)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
shrink(FXshort margin)FX::FXRectangle
shrink(FXshort hormargin, FXshort vermargin) (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle
shrink(FXshort leftmargin, FXshort rightmargin, FXshort topmargin, FXshort bottommargin) (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle
tl() const FX::FXRectangle [inline]
tr() const (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle [inline]
w (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle
x (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle
y (defined in FX::FXRectangle)FX::FXRectangle

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 22:11:38 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6