Convenience classes
[Categorised list of TnFOX classes]

Collaboration diagram for Convenience classes:
  1. FX::FXArc, holds an arc (part of an ellipse)
  2. FX::FXPoint, holds a 2d point
  3. FX::FXRegion, a 2d box
  4. FX::FXRectangle, holds a rectangle
  5. FX::FXSegment, a line segment
  6. FX::FXSize, a 2d size
  7. Single precision:
    1. FX::FXExtentf, a 2d box
    2. FX::FXMat3f, a 3x3 matrix
    3. FX::FXMat4f, a 4x4 matrix
    4. FX::FXRangef, a 3d box
    5. FX::FXSpheref, a sphere
    6. FX::FXVec2f, a 2 element vector
    7. FX::FXVec3f, a 3 element vector
    8. FX::FXVec4f, a 4 element vector
  8. Double precision:
    1. FX::FXExtentd, a 2d box
    2. FX::FXMat3d, a 3x3 matrix
    3. FX::FXMat4d, a 4x4 matrix
    4. FX::FXRanged, a 3d box
    5. FX::FXSphered, a sphere
    6. FX::FXVec2d, a 2 element vector
    7. FX::FXVec3d, a 3 element vector
    8. FX::FXVec4d, a 4 element vector
  9. FX::FXString, a string container

(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 21:55:22 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6