Apple MacOS X specific notes

WARNING: Last tested for TnFOX v0.87. Some things may have changed since

This covers the rather special Unix variant that is Apple MacOS X. You'll need XCode installed along with the Apple X11 implementation plus at least scons v0.96.1 (which added MacOS X support).

This page doesn't duplicate what's already said in Unix-specific notes so you should also read that.

Supported configuration:

TnFOX was developed against Apple MacOS X v10.4.6 and XCode v2.3 on Intel x86 only. The PowerPC build has however been tested on x86 via Rosetta and appears to work just fine.

You have two choices when building TnFOX on Apples - the first is the same as on other platforms where you set x86 or x64, however you MUST set architecture_version=7, x86_SSE=2 and x86_3dnow=0 in as the Apple GCC won't output valid code for other architecture configurations.

The other choice is to specify one of the special architectures macosx-ppc/macosx-i386. If you want to build a Universal binary, then you must use these. Firstly you build one, then change the config and build the other so you get two full builds - one PowerPC, the other i386. This is necessary because the endian is different for each.

You must then merge the two binaries into a Universal one using Apple's libtool:

Merging code to be added later

Directory configuration:

Unlike most Unices, MacOS X is missing libraries for JPEG, PNG and TIFF. You can download a /usr/local tree containing these from the TnFOX homepage after which these libraries will be found and used.


(C) 2002-2008 Niall Douglas. Some parts (C) to assorted authors.
Generated on Fri Jun 13 21:55:17 2008 for TnFOX by doxygen v1.5.6