TnFOX could not have been possible without a number of key people and its development would have been made much harder without the time & energy expended by many others. This page I hope does something in return for that.
- My father, Francis Douglas, for lending me money when my monitor blew up mid-development of Tornado and since by housing & feeding me as I develop the code base for Tn. Without his help, I would need at least a part-time job to provide food money.
- Jeroen van der Zijp for designing and writing almost all of FOX and furthermore for placing it under the LGPL so we all could use it.
- Dave Abrahams & Nicodemus and the others who created Boost.Python library.
- Eric Young, Tim Hudson & the others who created the lovely OpenSSL library.
- Marshall Cline for a long & detailed email correspondence helping me with my problems regarding C++ templates and pointing out inheritance needs to preserve base API along with many other corrections and tips for avoiding traps when designing and writing Tornado. Some Tornado code whose design was fixed by him was incorporated almost verbatim into TnFOX and I am very grateful to him for helping accelerate my mastery of C++. His excellent C++ FAQ which is strongly recommended is at plus he is one of the authors of C++ FAQs, a highly regarded book on C++ detail.
- Raoul Gough for his invaluable assistence in getting C arrays wrapped so Python could access them. His solution was far cleaner than mine!
- Scott Lees for persuading me to choose Python over Tcl as the Tornado shell language. You can see evidence of this today in the python bindings TnFOX provides.
- Fellow graduates from my class year 2000 at the University of Hull in the UK who have tirelessly put up with my constant questions about tiny details.
- Roman Yakovenko for the tireless work he has put into pyplusplus, most especially that he has specifically spent so much time on getting the TnFOX bindings up to scratch.